
$ ./android --?
Error: Flag '--?' is not a valid global flag. Did you mean to specify it after the verb/object name?

android [global options] action [action options]
Global options:
-s --silent : Silent mode, shows errors only.
-v --verbose : Verbose mode, shows errors, warnings and all messages.
--clear-cache: Clear the SDK Manager repository manifest cache.
-h --help : Help on a specific command.

of a verb
and an
- sdk : Displays the SDK Manager window.
- avd : Displays the AVD Manager window.
- list : Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
- list avd : Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
- list target : Lists existing targets.
- list device : Lists existing devices.
- list sdk : Lists remote SDK repository.
- create avd : Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
- move avd : Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
- delete avd : Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
- update avd : Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders
of a new SDK.
- create project : Creates a new Android project.
- update project : Updates an Android project (must already have an
- create test-project : Creates a new Android project for a test package.
- update test-project : Updates the Android project for a test package (must
already have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create lib-project : Creates a new Android library project.
- update lib-project : Updates an Android library project (must already have
an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create uitest-project: Creates a new UI test project.
- update adb : Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the
SDK add-ons.
- update sdk : Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install
if available.

直接启动 Android 模拟器 windows 管理的命令

$ ./android avd

启动 SDK 升级管理 windows 界面

$ ./android sdk


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  4. Android中自定义权限
  5. 使用Repo在Windows平台下載Android原始碼
  6. android API1.6--2.1变更摘要
  7. 【Android(安卓)开发教程】隐藏Activity
  8. Android权限注解
  9. android 模拟器 使用SD卡
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