
/* Audio stream types */typedef enum {    /* These values must kept in sync with     * frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/     */    AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT          = -1,    AUDIO_STREAM_MIN              = 0,    AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL       = 0,    AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM           = 1,    AUDIO_STREAM_RING             = 2,    AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC            = 3,    AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM            = 4,    AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION     = 5,    AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO    = 6,    AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE = 7, /* Sounds that cannot be muted by user                                        * and must be routed to speaker                                        */    AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF             = 8,    AUDIO_STREAM_TTS              = 9,  /* Transmitted Through Speaker.                                         * Plays over speaker only, silent on other devices.                                         */    AUDIO_STREAM_USB_HEADSET    = 10, /* For accessibility talk back prompts */    AUDIO_STREAM_REROUTING        = 11, /* For dynamic policy output mixes */    AUDIO_STREAM_PATCH            = 12, /* For internal audio flinger tracks. Fixed volume */    AUDIO_STREAM_USB_MIC = 13,     AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY = 14,    AUDIO_STREAM_PUBLIC_CNT       = AUDIO_STREAM_USB_MIC + 1,    AUDIO_STREAM_CNT              = AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY + 1,} audio_stream_type_t;






例如实现这样的一个功能,在android智能电视上配合应用实现双音频输出的功能,即用户在看电视的过程中同时还可以听音乐,电视的声音从扬声器输出,而音乐的声音从耳机中输出,这里我们选择了一个usb 耳机设备。

实现原理即增加一个音频类型为音乐应用使用,打开双音频输出功能时,该应用传入的音频类型为我们自定义的,为该音频类型选择usb audio设备,同时,普通的tv及第三方应用使用的则是STREAM_MUSIC类型,该音频类型对应路由策略的是STRATEGY_MEDIA类型,我们在双音频功能打开的时候为该策略强制选择speaker设备,这样即实现了我们的双音频功能。

 case STRATEGY_USB_HEADST:    case STRATEGY_MEDIA: {char propDoubOutput[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];property_get("audio.output.double_output",propDoubOutput,"null");           if ((strcmp(propDoubOutput,"1") == 0) && strategy == STRATEGY_USB_HEADST)  {      device = mAvailableOutputDevices.types()  &  AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE;    if (device != AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) {                  device = AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE;    }else{                   ALOGE("getDeviceForStrategy() no device found for STRATEGY_USB_HEADST");    }         } else {        uint32_t device2 = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE;        if (strategy != STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) {            // no sonification on remote submix (e.g. WFD)            if (mAvailableOutputDevices.getDevice(AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX, String8("0")) != 0) {                device2 = availableOutputDeviceTypes & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX;            }        }


STRATEGY_USB_HEADST类型是我们自定义的策略类型,"audio.output.double_output"为我们自己添加的一个属性,作为底层判断是否上层设置了双音频属性,可以看出在非双音频模式下,STRATEGY_USB_HEADST类型与MEDIA类型是完全一样的,在设置了双音频属性时,我们为  STRATEGY_USB_HEADST类型选择了usbaudio设备,device = AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE;而同时我们还要为MEDIA设备选择speaker设备:

 property_get("audio.output.double_output",propDoubOutput,"null");           if (strcmp(propDoubOutput, "1") ==0) {        device = AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL |AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER;         } else {        device |= device2;            }

选择设备的工作基本就做完了,但是前提是需要j从ava层到framework层为该音频类型打通过程。实际上这个参照一种音频类型的实现就很容易解决。基本上理清一个audiotrack从java层到native层的调用过程即可,在java层audiomanger与audiosystem中添加我们自定义的音频类型之后来看audiotrack的构造函数,5.1之于4.4多了一个AudioAttributes,这对上层传下来的streamType做了一层封装,看上去是更方便了我们的扩展,通过上层stream_type转化得到  private int mUsage = USAGE_UNKNOWN;
     和   private int mContentType = CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN两种类型,到了native层AudioTrack.cpp的set函数中:

status_t AudioTrack::set(        audio_stream_type_t streamType,        uint32_t sampleRate,        audio_format_t format,        audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,        size_t frameCount,        audio_output_flags_t flags,        callback_t cbf,        void* user,        uint32_t notificationFrames,        const sp& sharedBuffer,        bool threadCanCallJava,        int sessionId,        transfer_type transferType,        const audio_offload_info_t *offloadInfo,        int uid,        pid_t pid,        const audio_attributes_t* pAttributes){    ALOGI("set(): %p streamType %d, sampleRate %u, format %#x, channelMask %#x, frameCount %zu, "          "flags #%x, notificationFrames %u, sessionId %d, transferType %d",          this,streamType, sampleRate, format, channelMask, frameCount, flags, notificationFrames,          sessionId, transferType);    switch (transferType) {    case TRANSFER_DEFAULT:        if (sharedBuffer != 0) {            transferType = TRANSFER_SHARED;        } else if (cbf == NULL || threadCanCallJava) {            transferType = TRANSFER_SYNC;        } else {            transferType = TRANSFER_CALLBACK;        }        break;    case TRANSFER_CALLBACK:        if (cbf == NULL || sharedBuffer != 0) {            ALOGE("Transfer type TRANSFER_CALLBACK but cbf == NULL || sharedBuffer != 0");            return BAD_VALUE;        }        break;    case TRANSFER_OBTAIN:    case TRANSFER_SYNC:        if (sharedBuffer != 0) {            ALOGE("Transfer type TRANSFER_OBTAIN but sharedBuffer != 0");            return BAD_VALUE;        }        break;    case TRANSFER_SHARED:        if (sharedBuffer == 0) {            ALOGE("Transfer type TRANSFER_SHARED but sharedBuffer == 0");            return BAD_VALUE;        }        break;    default:        ALOGE("Invalid transfer type %d", transferType);        return BAD_VALUE;    }    mSharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;    mTransfer = transferType;    ALOGV_IF(sharedBuffer != 0, "sharedBuffer: %p, size: %d", sharedBuffer->pointer(),            sharedBuffer->size());    ALOGV("set() streamType %d frameCount %zu flags %04x", streamType, frameCount, flags);    AutoMutex lock(mLock);    // invariant that mAudioTrack != 0 is true only after set() returns successfully    if (mAudioTrack != 0) {        ALOGE("Track already in use");        return INVALID_OPERATION;    }    // handle default values first.    if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {        streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;    }    if (pAttributes == NULL) {        if (uint32_t(streamType) >= AUDIO_STREAM_PUBLIC_CNT) {            ALOGE("Invalid stream type %d", streamType);            return BAD_VALUE;        }        mStreamType = streamType;    } else {        // stream type shouldn't be looked at, this track has audio attributes        memcpy(&mAttributes, pAttributes, sizeof(audio_attributes_t));        ALOGV("Building AudioTrack with attributes: usage=%d content=%d flags=0x%x tags=[%s]",                mAttributes.usage, mAttributes.content_type, mAttributes.flags, mAttributes.tags);       mStreamType = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT;    }    // these below should probably come from the audioFlinger too...    if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {        format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;    }......
看到   mStreamType = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT; stream_type已经被设为-1,后面获取设备时不再关心stream_type,而是由audio_attributes_t这个结构体来选择,再来看看这个结构体的定义:

typedef struct {    audio_content_type_t content_type;    audio_usage_t        usage;    audio_source_t       source;    audio_flags_mask_t   flags;    char                 tags[AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_TAGS_MAX_SIZE]; /* UTF8 */} audio_attributes_t;

正是前面提到的mUsage 和mContentType 。


...... ALOGV("getOutputForAttr() usage=%d, content=%d, tag=%s flags=%08x",            attributes.usage, attributes.content_type, attributes.tags, attributes.flags);    routing_strategy strategy = (routing_strategy) getStrategyForAttr(&attributes);    audio_devices_t device = getDeviceForStrategy(strategy, false /*fromCache*/);......

所以在上层将stream_type 与AudioAttributes的转换做好,这条路就基本打通了,双音频输出的功能就实现了。


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