Testing Fundamentals

The Android testing framework, an integral part of the development environment, provides an architecture and powerful tools that help you test every aspect of your application at every level from unit to framework.


The testing framework has these key features:


  • Android test suites are based on JUnit. You can use plain JUnit to test a class that doesn't call the Android API, or Android's JUnit extensions to test Android components. If you're new to Android testing, you can start with general-purpose test case classes such asAndroidTestCaseand then go on to use more sophisticated classes.
  • Android测试套件是基于JUnit的。你可以使用普通的JUnit来测试那些不调用Android API的类,或者使用Android的JUnit扩展来测试Android组件。如果对于测试来说,你还是新手,那么你可以先学习一些普通的测试,比如AndroidTestCase,然后在使用更为复杂的类。
  • The Android JUnit extensions provide component-specific test case classes. These classes provide helper methods for creating mock objects and methods that help you control the lifecycle of a component.
  • Android Junit扩展提供了指定组件的测试类,这些类为帮你控制一个组件的生命周期,提供了创建模拟对象和方法的帮助方法,。
  • Test suites are contained in test packages that are similar to main application packages, so you don't need to learn a new set of tools or techniques for designing and building tests.
  • 测试套件包含于测试包中,它类似于主程序包,因此,你不必再为测试学习一套新的工具和技术。
  • The SDK tools for building and tests are available in Eclipse with ADT, and also in command-line form for use with other IDEs. These tools get information from the project of the application under test and use this information to automatically create the build files, manifest file, and directory structure for the test package.
  • 编译测试的SDK,可在带有ADT的eclipse中添加,也可以在其他IDE中使用命令行工具来进行添加。这些工具会获取应用程序的项目信息,以此来自动的创建所需的文件,比如清单文件 manifest file,以及测试包的目录结构。
  • The SDK also providesmonkeyrunner, an API for testing devices with Python programs, andUI/Application Exerciser Monkey, a command-line tool for stress-testing UIs by sending pseudo-random events to a device.
  • SDK还提供了monkeyrunner,这是一个可以用Python程序进行测试的API,以及提供了UI/Application Exerciser Monkey,它是一个命令行工具,可以模拟发送按键,触摸等手势设备中的触摸信号。

This document describes the fundamentals of the Android testing framework, including the structure of tests, the APIs that you use to develop tests, and the tools that you use to run tests and view results. The document assumes you have a basic knowledge of Android application programming and JUnit testing methodology.


The following diagram summarizes the testing framework:


【Android Api 翻译1】Android Texting(2)Testing Fundamentals 测试基础篇


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