4.0.4 r1.2中android.graphics.drawable.Drawable源代码

Set to true to have the drawable dither its colors when drawn to a device with fewer than 8-bits per color component. This can improve the look on those devices, but can also slow down the drawing a little.public void setDither(boolean dither) {}

4.0.4 r1.2中android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable源代码

@Overridepublic void setDither(boolean dither) {mBitmapState.mPaint.setDither(dither);invalidateSelf();}

4.0.4 r1.2中android.graphics.Paint源代码

Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the DITHER_FLAG bit Dithering affects how colors that are higher precision than the device are down-sampled. No dithering is generally faster, but higher precision colors are just truncated down (e.g. 8888 -> 565). Dithering tries to distribute the error inherent in this process, to reduce the visual artifacts.Parameters:dither true to set the dithering bit in flags, false to clear itpublic native void setDither(boolean dither);



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