From my own opinion and experience, the fastest way to let an android beginner learn how to make apps, is walking through the official training:

It is fairly amount of time that you investigate on all the parts that you need, especially the first ones.

You learn by creating your own apps, always best practice.


  1. 代码中设置drawableleft
  2. android 3.0 隐藏 系统标题栏
  3. Android开发中activity切换动画的实现
  4. Android(安卓)学习 笔记_05. 文件下载
  5. Android中直播视频技术探究之—摄像头Camera视频源数据采集解析
  6. 技术博客汇总
  7. android 2.3 wifi (一)
  8. AndRoid Notification的清空和修改
  9. Android中的Chronometer


  1. android 拍照和上传
  2. List.addAll(null);
  3. smali文件语法参考
  4. Android(安卓)SQLite数据库增删改查
  5. android 混淆代码gson数据nullpointerexc
  6. GestureDetector使用实例
  7. Android(安卓)直接通过JNI访问驱动
  8. Android(安卓)仿苹果自定义Dialog
  9. Android(安卓)-Okhttp框架 工具类
  10. 自定义View之温度计