In recent years,mobile platform become more and more popular!At present,the flourishing mobile platform are iOS and Android,symbian has been declining,wp7 struggling!

Note that Android is an open,not open source.Personally,I optimistic about the iOS and Android.

Since optimistic about mobile platform,optimistic about Android,lets quickly research it! We must fist sharpen his tools.As we all know,the Android's app were wrote by Java,running on the Dalvik Virtual Mashine.In addition,the Android system is base on Linux Kernel 2.6.So,if you want understanding all of the Android's particulars,we should have the Linux Kernel Knowledge.I limited,here recommends some classic books about the Linux Kernel:

1.Linux Kernenl Development.

2.Understanding the Linux Kernel.

3.Linux Device Drivers.


Have been look the Linux Kernel's books,the Android's books also should.We can have a perceptual about the Android.Recommends Following two books:

1.Professional Android Application Development.

2.Google Android SDK开发范例

It‘s could not be better have practice while reading books.Now,let begin our Android journey!


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  5. Android(安卓)源码下载、编译填坑
  6. Android中判断是否有声音在播放
  7. ndk 编译android内核模块无法加载 解决方法
  8. 关于有些安卓手机安装应用的时候提示应用未安装 的解决办法之一
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  1. Android(安卓)& iOS 开发全面对比分析
  2. Google发布App开发准则 为自主Android平
  3. Android(安卓)实用工具Hierarchy Viewer
  4. Android开发指南 ──应用程序基础
  5. 我是如何自学Android,资料分享(2015 版)
  6. Android(安卓)mvp 架构的自述
  7. Android(安卓)实用工具Hierarchy Viewer
  8. Android实现带箭头的自定义Progressbar
  9. 想抢先体验Android操作系统的魅力吗?那就
  10. 【Android的从零单排开发日记】之入门篇(