



1. (1)From a terminal, launch thedraw9patchapplication from your SDK/toolsdirectory.

2. (2)Drag your PNG image into the Draw 9-patch window (orFile>Open 9-patch...to locate the file). Your workspace will now open.The left pane is your drawing area, in which you can edit the lines for the stretchable patches and content area. The right pane is the preview area, where you can preview your graphic when stretched.

3. (3)Click within the 1-pixel perimeter to draw the lines that define the stretchable patches and (optional) content area. Right-click (or hold Shift and click, on Mac) to erase previously drawn lines.

4. (4)When done, selectFile>Save 9-patch...

Your image will be saved with the.9.pngfile name.

Note:A normal PNG file (*.png) will be loaded with an empty one-pixel border added around the image, in which you can draw the stretchable patches and content area. A previously saved 9-patch file (*.9.png) will be loaded as-is, with no drawing area added, because it already exists.

Optional controls include:

· (1)Zoom:Adjust the zoom level of the graphic in the drawing area.

· (2)Patch scale:Adjust the scale of the images in the preview area.

· (3)Show lock:Visualize the non-drawable area of the graphic on mouse-over.

· (4)Show patches:Preview the stretchable patches in the drawing area (pink is a stretchable patch).

· (5)Show content:Highlight the content area in the preview images (purple is the area in which content is allowed).

· (6)Show bad patches:Adds a red border around patch areas that may produce artifacts in the graphic when stretched. Visual coherence of your stretched image will be maintained if you eliminate all bad patches.


1. draw9patch.bat不能运行的一个解决方案,下载jar包,地址是:

2.Android项目中使用Nine Patch资源,时候可能出现比如ERROR: 9-patch image android123.9.png malformed.No marked region found along edge.以及Found along top edge.的错误主要是因为该图片没有四周的定位像素



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