[size=medium][color=gray]Today I will Android studio updated to 2.3 version, after all, I am a person who is looking for new things, a new version to download friends. Then import the previous project, unfortunately, the compiler error, as follows:

Error: (1, 0) Your project path contains non-ASCII characters. This will most likely cause the build to fail on Windows. Please move your project to a different directory. See http://b.android.com/95744 for Details. This warning can be disabled by adding the line 'android.overridePathCheck = true' to gradle.properties file in the project directory.

The reason for this error is that the project path contains non-ASCII characters, such as Chinese, special characters, and so on. In the old version of the Chinese can be compiled correctly, but the new version of the path requirements and strict. No way, after all, is not made, you have to follow the rules of others...

Then I put all the Chinese replaced, the problem solved![/color][/size]


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