When I want to install ADT(Android Development Tools) bundle on Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, I encounter a problem. I just download the tar file of ADT from Google's website, then unzip it and create a HelloWorld project to test whether the develop environment is ready. I ran the project, it is said that "cannot find adb"...I look up in the website. It is tell me to install ia32-libs. But this lib was removed in ubuntu 13.10 source pack.

I try to fix this problem, then it is tell me cannot find libstdc++6.so. I use apt-get to install this lib. After that, the problem still exists. When i use "ldd" to track adb's relying. It tells me i donot install libstdc++6. Finally, i find a solution that i need to install a libstdc++6:i386 for the 32bit version.


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