• 前言


  • Android焦点分发,拦截过程的实现


        private int processKeyEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {            final KeyEvent event = (KeyEvent)q.mEvent;            // Deliver the key to the view hierarchy.            if (mView.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {                return FINISH_HANDLED;            }            if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {                return FINISH_NOT_HANDLED;            }            // If the Control modifier is held, try to interpret the key as a shortcut.            if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN                    && event.isCtrlPressed()                    && event.getRepeatCount() == 0                    && !KeyEvent.isModifierKey(event.getKeyCode())) {                if (mView.dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(event)) {                    return FINISH_HANDLED;                }                if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {                    return FINISH_NOT_HANDLED;                }            }            // Apply the fallback event policy.            if (mFallbackEventHandler.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {                return FINISH_HANDLED;            }            if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {                return FINISH_NOT_HANDLED;            }            // Handle automatic focus changes.            if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {                int direction = 0;                switch (event.getKeyCode()) {                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_LEFT;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_RIGHT;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_UP;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_DOWN;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_FORWARD;                        } else if (event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_BACKWARD;                        }                        break;                }                if (direction != 0) {                    View focused = mView.findFocus();                    if (focused != null) {                        View v = focused.focusSearch(direction);                        if (v != null && v != focused) {                            // do the math the get the interesting rect                            // of previous focused into the coord system of                            // newly focused view                            focused.getFocusedRect(mTempRect);                            if (mView instanceof ViewGroup) {                                ((ViewGroup) mView).offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(                                        focused, mTempRect);                                ((ViewGroup) mView).offsetRectIntoDescendantCoords(                                        v, mTempRect);                            }                            if (v.requestFocus(direction, mTempRect)) {                                playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants                                        .getContantForFocusDirection(direction));                                return FINISH_HANDLED;                            }                        }                        // Give the focused view a last chance to handle the dpad key.                        if (mView.dispatchUnhandledMove(focused, direction)) {                            return FINISH_HANDLED;                        }                    } else {                        // find the best view to give focus to in this non-touch-mode with no-focus                        View v = focusSearch(null, direction);                        if (v != null && v.requestFocus(direction)) {                            return FINISH_HANDLED;                        }                    }                }            }            return FORWARD;        }


  • (1) 首先由dispatchKeyEvent进行焦点的分发,如果dispatchKeyEvent方法返回true,那么下面的焦点查找步骤就不会继续了。


  // Deliver the key to the view hierarchy.            if (mView.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {                return FINISH_HANDLED;            }
  • 首先会执行mView的dispatchKeyEvent方法,估计大家会好奇这个mView是个什么鬼?其实它就是Activity的顶层容器DecorView,它是一FrameLayout。所以这里的dispatchKeyEvent方法应该执行的是ViewGroup的dispatchKeyEvent()方法,而不是View的dispatchKeyEvent方法。


 @Override    public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {        if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) {            mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onKeyEvent(event, 1);        }        if ((mPrivateFlags & (PFLAG_FOCUSED | PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS))                == (PFLAG_FOCUSED | PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS)) {            if (super.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {                return true;            }        } else if (mFocused != null && (mFocused.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS)                == PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) {            if (mFocused.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {                return true;            }        }        if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) {            mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onUnhandledEvent(event, 1);        }        return false;    }


  • 首先ViewGroup会一层一层往上执行父类的dispatchKeyEvent方法,如果返回true那么父类的dispatchKeyEvent方法就会返回true,也就代表父类消费了该焦点事件,那么焦点事件自然就不会往下进行分发。
  • 然后ViewGroup会判断mFocused这个view是否为空,如果为空就会return false,焦点继续往下传递;如果不为空,那就会return mFocused的dispatchKeyEvent方法返回的结果。这个mFocused是什么呢?其实
 @Override    public void requestChildFocus(View child, View focused) {        if (DBG) {            System.out.println(this + " requestChildFocus()");        }        if (getDescendantFocusability() == FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS) {            return;        }        // Unfocus us, if necessary        super.unFocus(focused);        // We had a previous notion of who had focus. Clear it.        if (mFocused != child) {            if (mFocused != null) {                mFocused.unFocus(focused);            }            mFocused = child;        }        if (mParent != null) {            mParent.requestChildFocus(this, focused);        }    }


  public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {        if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) {            mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onKeyEvent(event, 0);        }        // Give any attached key listener a first crack at the event.        //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement        ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo;        if (li != null && li.mOnKeyListener != null && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED                && li.mOnKeyListener.onKey(this, event.getKeyCode(), event)) {            return true;        }        if (event.dispatch(this, mAttachInfo != null                ? mAttachInfo.mKeyDispatchState : null, this)) {            return true;        }        if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) {            mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onUnhandledEvent(event, 0);        }        return false;    }



  • 重写view的dispatchKeyEvent方法
  • 给某个子view设置onKeyListener监听


  • **回到ViewRootImpl中,焦点没有被dispatchKeyEvent拦截的情况下的处理过程 **


  // Handle automatic focus changes.            if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {                int direction = 0;                switch (event.getKeyCode()) {                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_LEFT;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_RIGHT;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_UP;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_DOWN;                        }                        break;                    case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB:                        if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_FORWARD;                        } else if (event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) {                            direction = View.FOCUS_BACKWARD;                        }                        break;                }


 @Override    public View findFocus() {        if (DBG) {            System.out.println("Find focus in " + this + ": flags="                    + isFocused() + ", child=" + mFocused);        }        if (isFocused()) {            return this;        }        if (mFocused != null) {            return mFocused.findFocus();        }        return null;    }


 public View findFocus() {        return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0 ? this : null;    }

说明:判断view是否获取焦点的isFocused()方法, (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0 和view 的isFocused()方法是一致的。

  @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus")    public boolean isFocused() {        return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0;    }



 if (direction != 0) {                    View focused = mView.findFocus();                    if (focused != null) {                        View v = focused.focusSearch(direction);                        if (v != null && v != focused) {                            // do the math the get the interesting rect                            // of previous focused into the coord system of                            // newly focused view                            focused.getFocusedRect(mTempRect);                            if (mView instanceof ViewGroup) {                                ((ViewGroup) mView).offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(                                        focused, mTempRect);                                ((ViewGroup) mView).offsetRectIntoDescendantCoords(                                        v, mTempRect);                            }                            if (v.requestFocus(direction, mTempRect)) {                                playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants                                        .getContantForFocusDirection(direction));                                return FINISH_HANDLED;                            }                        }                        // Give the focused view a last chance to handle the dpad key.                        if (mView.dispatchUnhandledMove(focused, direction)) {                            return FINISH_HANDLED;                        }                    } else {                        // find the best view to give focus to in this non-touch-mode with no-focus                        View v = focusSearch(null, direction);                        if (v != null && v.requestFocus(direction)) {                            return FINISH_HANDLED;                        }                    }                }



  @Override    public View focusSearch(View focused, int direction) {        if (isRootNamespace()) {            // root namespace means we should consider ourselves the top of the            // tree for focus searching; otherwise we could be focus searching            // into other tabs.  see LocalActivityManager and TabHost for more info            return FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this, focused, direction);        } else if (mParent != null) {            return mParent.focusSearch(focused, direction);        }        return null;    }


  @Override    public View focusSearch(View focused, int direction) {        if (isRootNamespace()) {            // root namespace means we should consider ourselves the top of the            // tree for focus searching; otherwise we could be focus searching            // into other tabs.  see LocalActivityManager and TabHost for more info            return FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this, focused, direction);        } else if (mParent != null) {            return mParent.focusSearch(focused, direction);        }        return null;    }


它其实是一个实现 根据给定的按键方向,通过当前的获取焦点的View,查找下一个获取焦点的view这样算法的类。焦点没有被拦截的情况下,Android框架焦点的查找最终都是通过FocusFinder类来实现的。


下面就来看看FocusFinder类是如何通过findNextFocus来找焦点的。一层一层往下看,后面会执行findNextUserSpecifiedFocus()方法,这个方法会执行focused(即当前获取焦点的View)的findUserSetNextFocus方法,如果该方法返回的View不为空,且isFocusable = true && isInTouchMode() = true的话,FocusFinder找到的焦点就是findNextUserSpecifiedFocus()返回的View。

   private View findNextUserSpecifiedFocus(ViewGroup root, View focused, int direction) {        // check for user specified next focus        View userSetNextFocus = focused.findUserSetNextFocus(root, direction);        if (userSetNextFocus != null && userSetNextFocus.isFocusable()                && (!userSetNextFocus.isInTouchMode()                        || userSetNextFocus.isFocusableInTouchMode())) {            return userSetNextFocus;        }        return null;    }

(7)findNextFocus会优先根据XML里设置的下一个将获取焦点的View ID值来寻找将要获取焦点的View。

看看View的findUserSetNextFocus方法内部都干了些什么,OMG不就是通过我们xml布局里设置的nextFocusLeft,nextFocusRight的viewId来找焦点吗,如果按下Left键,那么便会通过nextFocusLeft值里的View Id值去找下一个获取焦点的View。

 View findUserSetNextFocus(View root, @FocusDirection int direction) {        switch (direction) {            case FOCUS_LEFT:                if (mNextFocusLeftId == View.NO_ID) return null;                return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusLeftId);            case FOCUS_RIGHT:                if (mNextFocusRightId == View.NO_ID) return null;                return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusRightId);            case FOCUS_UP:                if (mNextFocusUpId == View.NO_ID) return null;                return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusUpId);            case FOCUS_DOWN:                if (mNextFocusDownId == View.NO_ID) return null;                return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusDownId);            case FOCUS_FORWARD:                if (mNextFocusForwardId == View.NO_ID) return null;                return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusForwardId);            case FOCUS_BACKWARD: {                if (mID == View.NO_ID) return null;                final int id = mID;                return root.findViewByPredicateInsideOut(this, new Predicate() {                    @Override                    public boolean apply(View t) {                        return t.mNextFocusForwardId == id;                    }                });            }        }        return null;    }


1. 如果一个View在XML布局中设置了focusable = true && isInTouchMode = true,那么这个View会优先获取焦点。

2. 通过设置nextFocusLeft,nextFocusRight,nextFocusUp,nextFocusDown值可以控制View的下一个焦点。


  • **首先DecorView会调用dispatchKey一层一层进行焦点的分发,如果dispatchKeyEvent方法返回true的话,那么焦点就不会往下分发了。 **

  • 中途可以给某个子View设置OnKeyListener进行焦点的拦截。

  • **如果焦点没有被拦截的话,那么焦点就会交给系统来处理 **

  • Android底层先会记录按键的方向,后面DecorView会一层一层往下调用findFocus方法找到当前获取焦点的View

  • 后面系统又会根据按键的方向,执行focusSearch方法来寻找下一个将要获取焦点的View

  • focusSearch内部其实是通过FocusFinder来查找焦点的。FocusFinder会优先通过View在XML布局设置的下一个焦点的ID来查找焦点。

  • 最终如果找到将要获取焦点的View,就让其requestFocus。


Android TV 焦点原理源码解析_第1张图片 Android焦点事件分发机制.png


  1. Android下java方法和JS方法的互调
  2. Android 中LayoutInflater(布局加载器)源码篇之parseInclude方法
  3. Android 中LayoutInflater(布局加载器)源码篇之rInflate方法
  4. Android解析Intent Filter的方法
  5. android中访问本机服务器的方法


  1. FFmpeg在Android上的移植优化步骤
  2. Android 按键流程(InputManagerService 以
  3. Android(安卓)获取基站信息
  4. Android 如何检索Android设备的唯一ID
  5. Android init.rc解析
  6. Android百度地图之位置定位和附近查找代
  7. [置顶] Android多分辨率和多屏幕的布局适
  8. 安卓软硬结合,热点技术实践总结:《Android
  9. 浅谈android中的图片处理之基本绘图(一)
  10. 谁说Android的动画不廉价(五)之水波纹动画