Tegra Android Development Pack | NVIDIA Developer Zone

Tegra Android Development Pack


Setting up an Android development environment can be a complex and frustrating experience. NVIDIA simplifies this for all Android developers with a single installer that manages this complexity for you.

The Tegra Android Development Pack installs all software tools required to develop for Android on NVIDIA’s Tegra platform and is the perfect companion for developing native applications for Tegra developer kits.

This suite of developer tools is targeted at Tegra devices, but will configure a development environment that will work with almost any Android device. This cure for the common cold is available onWindows,OSX,Ubuntu Linux 32-bitandUbuntu Linux 64-bit.

Where can I find it?

The latest version of the version of theTegra Android Development Packis available here. Archived builds are available at the bottom of this page.


To provide feedback, request additional features or report support issues, please use the Tegra Developer Forums.


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