Feel Android Studio(1)Install and Update Android Studio

1. Prepare the Git environment
First of all, I need to deal with the fork problem on github.com
>git config --list
>git config --global remote.origin.url=https://github.com/luohuazju/ProjectName.git

This is a wrong path, I will try to get rid of it.
>git config --global --unset remote.origin.url

>git remote -help

check all the remote URLs
>git remote -v

>git remote set-url origin https://github.com/luohuazju/ProjectName.git
>git remote set-url --push origin https://github.com/luohuazju/ProjectName
>git remote add luohuazju https://github.com/luohuazju/ProjectName

delete the ones I did not want to keep
>git remote remove origin

Prepare to idea
>mvn idea:idea

2. Set up Android Studio
Setting the SDK path
select the project ---> right click ---> Platform Settings ---> SDKs ----> 'Plus'

Open Android SDK Manager
update all the tools there.

3. Install the latest Gradle
..maybe, I do not need to do this time.

4. Import the Project from Eclipse
Update the eclipse plugin to latest version of 2.2.

Select the project we want to export and choose [Android] ---- [Generate Gradle build files]

I do not know why. But not working.

So I plan to use maven.
[Edit Configuration] ---->
Working directory :/Users/carl/work/easy/EasyRestClientAndroid
Command line:clean package android:deploy android:run

Or in the [Edit Configuration] Part, we can directly use Android Application.

5. Use and Update Android Studio
Download the tool from here

I have used Android Studio for a long time, I upgrade my studio to the latest recently and I get this error Message:

Please provide the path to the Android SDK
if you do not have the Android SDK, you can obtain it from d.android.com
select Android SDK /Users/carl/tool/android-sdk/macosx

This version of Android Studio may not work correctly without Android SDK Tool revision 22.6.2 or above. Current revision is 22.6.0.
Please update your SDK Tools to the latest version.

Go to this URLhttp://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#download

I got one file from herehttps://dl.google.com/android/adt/22.6.2/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321.zip

Or the simplest way is to open the Android SDK Manager and update them there.


Export Eclipse to Gradle



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