

  • Android布局优化(一)LayoutInflate — 从布局加载原理说起
  • Android布局优化(二)优雅获取界面布局耗时
  • Android布局优化(三)使用AsyncLayoutInflater异步加载布局
  • Android布局优化(四)X2C — 提升布局加载速度200%
  • Android布局优化(五)绘制优化—避免过度绘制







@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    new AsyncLayoutInflater(this).inflate(R.layout.activity_main,null, new AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener(){        @Override        public void onInflateFinished(View view, int resid, ViewGroup parent) {            setContentView(view);            rv = findViewById(;            rv.setLayoutManager(new V7LinearLayoutManager(MainActivity.this));            rv.setAdapter(new RightRvAdapter(MainActivity.this));        }    });}





  1. 创建BasicInflater

  2. 创建Handler

  3. 创建InflateThread


public final class AsyncLayoutInflater {    private static final String TAG = "AsyncLayoutInflater";    LayoutInflater mInflater;    Handler mHandler;    InflateThread mInflateThread;    public AsyncLayoutInflater(@NonNull Context context) {        mInflater = new BasicInflater(context);        mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerCallback);        mInflateThread = InflateThread.getInstance();    }    @UiThread    public void inflate(@LayoutRes int resid, @Nullable ViewGroup parent,            @NonNull OnInflateFinishedListener callback) {        if (callback == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("callback argument may not be null!");        }        InflateRequest request = mInflateThread.obtainRequest();        request.inflater = this;        request.resid = resid;        request.parent = parent;        request.callback = callback;        mInflateThread.enqueue(request);    }        ....}



private static class InflateThread extends Thread {    private static final InflateThread sInstance;    static {        sInstance = new InflateThread();        sInstance.start();    }    public static InflateThread getInstance() {        return sInstance;    }        //生产者-消费者模型,阻塞队列    private ArrayBlockingQueue mQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10);    //使用了对象池来缓存InflateThread对象,减少对象重复多次创建,避免内存抖动    private SynchronizedPool mRequestPool = new SynchronizedPool<>(10);    public void runInner() {        InflateRequest request;        try {            //从队列中取出一条请求,如果没有则阻塞            request = mQueue.take();        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {            // Odd, just continue            Log.w(TAG, ex);            return;        }        try {            //inflate操作(通过调用BasicInflater类)            request.view = request.inflater.mInflater.inflate(                    request.resid, request.parent, false);        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {            // 回退机制:如果inflate失败,回到主线程去inflate            Log.w(TAG, "Failed to inflate resource in the background! Retrying on the UI"                    + " thread", ex);        }        //inflate成功或失败,都将request发送到主线程去处理        Message.obtain(request.inflater.mHandler, 0, request)                .sendToTarget();    }    @Override    public void run() {        //死循环(实际不会一直执行,内部是会阻塞等待的)        while (true) {            runInner();        }    }    //从对象池缓存中取出一个InflateThread对象    public InflateRequest obtainRequest() {        InflateRequest obj = mRequestPool.acquire();        if (obj == null) {            obj = new InflateRequest();        }        return obj;    }            //对象池缓存中的对象的数据清空,便于对象复用    public void releaseRequest(InflateRequest obj) {        obj.callback = null;        obj.inflater = null;        obj.parent = null;        obj.resid = 0;        obj.view = null;        mRequestPool.release(obj);    }            //将inflate请求添加到ArrayBlockingQueue(阻塞队列)中    public void enqueue(InflateRequest request) {        try {            mQueue.put(request);        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    "Failed to enqueue async inflate request", e);        }    }}



private static class InflateRequest {    AsyncLayoutInflater inflater;    ViewGroup parent;    int resid;    View view;    OnInflateFinishedListener callback;    InflateRequest() {    }}


BasicInflater 继承自 LayoutInflater,只是覆写了 onCreateView:优先加载这三个前缀的 Layout,然后才按照默认的流程去加载,因为大多数情况下我们 Layout 中使用的View都在这三个 package

private static class BasicInflater extends LayoutInflater {    private static final String[] sClassPrefixList = {        "android.widget.",        "android.webkit.",        ""    };    BasicInflater(Context context) {        super(context);    }    @Override    public LayoutInflater cloneInContext(Context newContext) {        return new BasicInflater(newContext);    }    @Override    protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException {        for (String prefix : sClassPrefixList) {            try {                //优先加载"android.widget.”、 "android.webkit."、""                View view = createView(name, prefix, attrs);                if (view != null) {                    return view;                }            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            }        }        return super.onCreateView(name, attrs);    }}



private Callback mHandlerCallback = new Callback() {    @Override    public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {        InflateRequest request = (InflateRequest) msg.obj;        if (request.view == null) {            //view == null说明inflate失败            //继续再主线程中进行inflate操作            request.view = mInflater.inflate(                    request.resid, request.parent, false);        }        //回调到主线程        request.callback.onInflateFinished(                request.view, request.resid, request.parent);        mInflateThread.releaseRequest(request);        return true;    }};



public interface OnInflateFinishedListener {    void onInflateFinished(View view, int resid, ViewGroup parent);}



  1. 所有构建的View中必须不能直接使用 Handler 或者是调用 Looper.myLooper(),因为异步线程默认没有调用 Looper.prepare ()

  2. 异步转换出来的 View 并没有被加到 parent view中,AsyncLayoutInflater 是调用了 LayoutInflater.inflate(int, ViewGroup, false),因此如果需要加到 parent view 中,就需要我们自己手动添加;

  3. AsyncLayoutInflater 不支持设置 LayoutInflater.Factory 或者 LayoutInflater.Factory2

  4. 同时缓存队列默认 10 的大小限制如果超过了10个则会导致主线程的等待

  5. 使用单线程来做全部的 inflate 工作,如果一个界面中 layout 很多不一定能满足需求

那我们如何来解决这些问题呢?AsyncLayoutInflate类修饰为 final ,所以不能通过继承重写父类来实现。庆幸的是AsyncLayoutInflate的代码非常短而且相对简单,所以我们可以直接把AsyncLayoutInflate的代码复制出来一份,然后在这基础之上进行改进优化


  1. 引入线程池,减少单线程等待

  2. 手动设置setFactory2


public class AsyncLayoutInflatePlus {    private static final String TAG = "AsyncLayoutInflatePlus";    private Pools.SynchronizedPool mRequestPool = new Pools.SynchronizedPool<>(10);    LayoutInflater mInflater;    Handler mHandler;    Dispather mDispatcher;    public AsyncLayoutInflatePlus(@NonNull Context context) {        mInflater = new BasicInflater(context);        mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerCallback);        mDispatcher = new Dispather();    }    @UiThread    public void inflate(@LayoutRes int resid, @Nullable ViewGroup parent,                        @NonNull OnInflateFinishedListener callback) {        if (callback == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("callback argument may not be null!");        }        InflateRequest request = obtainRequest();        request.inflater = this;        request.resid = resid;        request.parent = parent;        request.callback = callback;        mDispatcher.enqueue(request);    }    private Handler.Callback mHandlerCallback = new Handler.Callback() {        @Override        public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {            InflateRequest request = (InflateRequest) msg.obj;            if (request.view == null) {                request.view = mInflater.inflate(                        request.resid, request.parent, false);            }            request.callback.onInflateFinished(                    request.view, request.resid, request.parent);            releaseRequest(request);            return true;        }    };    public interface OnInflateFinishedListener {        void onInflateFinished(@NonNull View view, @LayoutRes int resid,                               @Nullable ViewGroup parent);    }    private static class InflateRequest {        AsyncLayoutInflatePlus inflater;        ViewGroup parent;        int resid;        View view;        OnInflateFinishedListener callback;        InflateRequest() {        }    }    private static class Dispather {        //获得当前CPU的核心数        private static final int CPU_COUNT = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();        //设置线程池的核心线程数2-4之间,但是取决于CPU核数        private static final int CORE_POOL_SIZE = Math.max(2, Math.min(CPU_COUNT - 1, 4));        //设置线程池的最大线程数为 CPU核数 * 2 + 1        private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = CPU_COUNT * 2 + 1;        //设置线程池空闲线程存活时间30s        private static final int KEEP_ALIVE_SECONDS = 30;        private static final ThreadFactory sThreadFactory = new ThreadFactory() {            private final AtomicInteger mCount = new AtomicInteger(1);            public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {                return new Thread(r, "AsyncLayoutInflatePlus #" + mCount.getAndIncrement());            }        };        //LinkedBlockingQueue 默认构造器,队列容量是Integer.MAX_VALUE        private static final BlockingQueue sPoolWorkQueue =                new LinkedBlockingQueue();        /**         * An {@link Executor} that can be used to execute tasks in parallel.         */        public static final ThreadPoolExecutor THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR;        static {            Log.i(TAG, "static initializer: " + " CPU_COUNT = " + CPU_COUNT + " CORE_POOL_SIZE = " + CORE_POOL_SIZE + " MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = " + MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE);            ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(                    CORE_POOL_SIZE, MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE, KEEP_ALIVE_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS,                    sPoolWorkQueue, sThreadFactory);            threadPoolExecutor.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true);            THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR = threadPoolExecutor;        }        public void enqueue(InflateRequest request) {            THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.execute((new InflateRunnable(request)));        }    }    private static class BasicInflater extends LayoutInflater {        private static final String[] sClassPrefixList = {                "android.widget.",                "android.webkit.",                ""        };        BasicInflater(Context context) {            super(context);            if (context instanceof AppCompatActivity) {                // 手动setFactory2,兼容AppCompatTextView等控件                AppCompatDelegate appCompatDelegate = ((AppCompatActivity) context).getDelegate();                if (appCompatDelegate instanceof LayoutInflater.Factory2) {                    LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory2(this, (LayoutInflater.Factory2) appCompatDelegate);                }            }        }        @Override        public LayoutInflater cloneInContext(Context newContext) {            return new BasicInflater(newContext);        }        @Override        protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException {            for (String prefix : sClassPrefixList) {                try {                    View view = createView(name, prefix, attrs);                    if (view != null) {                        return view;                    }                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                    // In this case we want to let the base class take a crack                    // at it.                }            }            return super.onCreateView(name, attrs);        }    }    private static class InflateRunnable implements Runnable {        private InflateRequest request;        private boolean isRunning;        public InflateRunnable(InflateRequest request) {            this.request = request;        }        @Override        public void run() {            isRunning = true;            try {                request.view = request.inflater.mInflater.inflate(                        request.resid, request.parent, false);            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {                // Probably a Looper failure, retry on the UI thread                Log.w(TAG, "Failed to inflate resource in the background! Retrying on the UI"                        + " thread", ex);            }            Message.obtain(request.inflater.mHandler, 0, request)                    .sendToTarget();        }        public boolean isRunning() {            return isRunning;        }    }    public InflateRequest obtainRequest() {        InflateRequest obj = mRequestPool.acquire();        if (obj == null) {            obj = new InflateRequest();        }        return obj;    }    public void releaseRequest(InflateRequest obj) {        obj.callback = null;        obj.inflater = null;        obj.parent = null;        obj.resid = 0;        obj.view = null;        mRequestPool.release(obj);    }    public void cancel() {        mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);        mHandlerCallback = null;    }}




  1. Android 动态加载(五) - 借尸还魂之代理Activity模式
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  7. 布局技巧和列表控件


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