
$ android update sdk --no-ui

android provide these options for automatic updates:

Action "update sdk": Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available. Options: -f --force Forces replacement of a package or its parts, even if something has been modified -u --no-ui Updates from command-line (does not display the GUI) -o --obsolete Installs obsolete packages -t --filter A filter that limits the update to the specified types of packages in the form of a comma-separated list of [platform, tool, platform-tool, doc, sample, extra] -s --no-https Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS (the default) for downloads -n --dry-mode Simulates the update but does not download or install anything

If you want to list which packages are available for installation you can use

$ android list sdk

and you'll obtain an ordered list of packages, for example

Packages available for installation or update: 9 1- ARM EABI v7a System Image, Android API 15, revision 2 2- Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 15, revision 1 3- Android Support, revision 8 4- Google AdMob Ads SDK, revision 6 5- Google Analytics SDK, revision 2 6- Google Play APK Expansion Library, revision 1 7- Google Play Billing Library, revision 2 8- Google Play Licensing Library, revision 2 9- Google Web Driver, revision 2

Also you can limit the update only to a desired component if you use the--filteroption

$ android update sdk --filter <component> --no-ui

where component is one or more of

  • the numbers returned byandroid list sdk(i.e.1, also know aspackage index)
  • add-on
  • doc
  • extra
  • platform
  • platform-tool
  • sample
  • source
  • system-image
  • tool

or can be one or more specific identifiers. For instance, if you just want to download a small set of specific packages, you could do this:

$ android update sdk -u --filter platform-tools,android-16,extra-android-support

and you'll just get the platform tools, api level 16 and support package jar. This is really handy if you're building a build machine only and would have to pay for downloading all the extra stuff that you'll never use.

To see the available options you can use --help, for example

$ android --help list sdk Usage: android [global options] list sdk [action options] Global options: -h --help : Help on a specific command. -v --verbose : Verbose mode, shows errors, warnings and all messages. --clear-cache: Clear the SDK Manager repository manifest cache. -s --silent : Silent mode, shows errors only. Action "list sdk": Lists remote SDK repository. Options: -o --obsolete : Deprecated. Please use --all instead. -a --all : Lists all available packages (including obsolete and installed ones) --proxy-host: HTTP/HTTPS proxy host (overrides settings if defined) --proxy-port: HTTP/HTTPS proxy port (overrides settings if defined) -s --no-https : Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS (the default) for downloads. -e --extended : Displays extended details on each package -u --no-ui : Displays list result on console (no GUI) [Default: true]

i use this to install and update the sdk on travis-ci

curl --location http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r22.3-linux.tgz | tar -x -z -C $HOME export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-linux export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools ( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) | android update sdk --no-ui --filter platform-tool,android-19,sysimg-19,build-tools-19.0.1


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