







Java applet 浏览器。appletviewer 命令可在脱离万维网浏览器环境的情况下运行 applet。

Usage: appletviewer <options> url(s)

where <options> include:
-debug Start the applet viewer in the Java debugger
-encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by HTML files
-J<runtime flag> Pass argument to the java interpreter

The -J option is non-standard and subject to change without notice.

appletviewer d:\test.html


生产映射到OMG IDL接口可以使Java应用程序使用CORBA的.java文件 No IDL file was specified.

Compiler Usage:

java [options] <idl file>

where <idl file> is the name of a file containing IDL definitions, and
[options] is any combination of the options listed below. The options
are optional and may appear in any order; <idl file> is required and
must appear last.

-d <symbol> This is equivalent to the following line in an
IDL file: #define <symbol>
-emitAll Emit all types, including those found in #included files.
-f<side> Define what bindings to emit. <side> is one of client,
server, all, serverTIE, allTIE. serverTIE and allTIE
cause delegate model skeletons to be emitted. If this
flag is not used, -fclient is assumed.
-i <include path> By default, the current directory is scanned for
included files. This option adds another directory.
-keep If a file to be generated already exists, do not
overwrite it. By default it is overwritten.
-noWarn Suppress warnings.
-oldImplBase Generate skeletons compatible with old (pre-1.4) JDK ORBs.B4
-pkgPrefix <t> <prefix> When the type or module name <t> is encountered at
file scope, begin the Java package name for all files
generated for <t> with <prefix>.
-pkgTranslate <t> <pkg> When the type or module name <t> in encountered, replace
it with <pkg> in the generated java package. Note that
pkgPrefix changes are made first. <t> must match the
full package name exactly. Also, <t> must not be
org, org.omg, or any subpackage of org.omg.
-skeletonName <xxx%yyy> Name the skeleton according to the pattern.
The defaults are:
%POA for the POA base class (-fserver or -fall)
_%ImplBase for the oldImplBase base class
(-oldImplBase and (-fserver or -fall)).
-td <dir> use <dir> for the output directory instead of
the current directory.
-tieName <xxx%yyy> Name the tie according to the pattern. The defaults are:
%POATie for the POA tie (-fserverTie or -fallTie)
%_Tie for the oldImplBase tie
(-oldImplBase and (-fserverTie or -fallTie)).
-v, -verbose Verbose mode.
-version Display the version number and quit.

idlj -fclient My.idl
idlj -fserver My.idl
idlj -fclient -fserver My.idl


javac 是java语言编程编译器。全称javacompilation.javac工具读由java语言编写的类和接口的定义,并将它们编译成字节代码的class文件。javac 可以隐式编译一些没有在命令行中提及的源文件。用 -verbose 选项可跟踪自动编译

Usage: javac <options> <source files>
where possible options include:
-g Generate all debugging info
-g:none Generate no debugging info
-g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info
-nowarn Generate no warnings
-verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing
-deprecation Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
-classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors
-cp <path> Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors
-sourcepath <path> Specify where to find input source files
-bootclasspath <path> Override location of bootstrap class files
-extdirs <dirs> Override location of installed extensions
-endorseddirs <dirs> Override location of endorsed standards path
-proc:{none,only} Control whether annotation processing and/or compilation is done.
-processor <class1>[,<class2>,<class3>...] Names of the annotation processors to run; bypasses default discovery process
-processorpath <path> Specify where to find annotation processors
-d <directory> Specify where to place generated class files
-s <directory> Specify where to place generated source files
-implicit:{none,class} Specify whether or not to generate class files for implicitly referenced files
-encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by source files
-source <release> Provide source compatibility with specified release
-target <release> Generate class files for specific VM version
-version Version information
-help Print a synopsis of standard options
-Akey[=value] Options to pass to annotation processors
-X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
-Werror Terminate compilation if warnings occur
@<filename> Read options and filenames from file

java -d d:\class *.java



Usage: javap <options> <classes>
where possible options include:
-help --help -? Print this usage message
-version Version information
-v -verbose Print additional information
-l Print line number and local variable tables
-public Show only public classes and members
-protected Show protected/public classes and members
-package Show package/protected/public classes
and members (default)
-p -private Show all classes and members
-c Disassemble the code
-s Print internal type signatures
-sysinfo Show system info (path, size, date, MD5 hash)
of class being processed
-constants Show static final constants
-classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files
-bootclasspath <path> Override location of bootstrap class files

javap Person(Person为字节码文件)
javap -public Person
javap -public -l Person


内置 Java 性能分析器,可以从命令行或在 GUI shell 中运行。您可以轻松地使用 JConsole(或者,它更高端的 “近亲” VisualVM )来监控 Java 应用程序性能和跟踪 Java 中的代码





jinfo [option] <pid>
(to connect to running process)
jinfo [option] <executable <core>
(to connect to a core file)
jinfo [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
(to connect to remote debug server)

where <option> is one of:
-flag <name> to print the value of the named VM flag
-flag [+|-]<name> to enable or disable the named VM flag
-flag <name>=<value> to set the named VM flag to the given value
-flags to print VM flags
-sysprops to print Java system properties
<no option> to print both of the above
-h | -help to print this help message

jinfo pid
jinfo -flag MaxPermSize 2176



usage: jps [-help]
jps [-q] [-mlvV] [<hostid>]

<hostid>: <hostname>[:<port>]

jps -v



Usage: jstat -help|-options
jstat -<option> [-t] [-h<lines>] <vmid> [<interval> [<count>]]

<option> An option reported by the -options option
<vmid> Virtual Machine Identifier. A vmid takes the following form:
Where <lvmid> is the local vm identifier for the target
Java virtual machine, typically a process id; <hostname> is
the name of the host running the target Java virtual machine;
and <port> is the port number for the rmiregistry on the
target host. See the jvmstat documentation for a more complete
description of the Virtual Machine Identifier.
<lines> Number of samples between header lines.
<interval> Sampling interval. The following forms are allowed:
Where <n> is an integer and the suffix specifies the units as
milliseconds("ms") or seconds("s"). The default units are "ms".
<count> Number of samples to take before terminating.
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system.

jstat -gcoldcapacity -t 2176 250 3
jstat -gcutil 40496@remote.domain 1000


文件转码工具,是将特殊各异的内容 转为 用指定的编码标准文体形式统一的表现出来

native2ascii [options] [inputfile [outputfile]]

native2ascii converts files that are encoded to any character encoding that is supported by the Java runtime environment to
files encoded in ASCII, using Unicode escapes ("\uxxxx" notation) for all characters that are not part of the ASCII charac-
ter set. This process is required for properties files containing characters not in ISO-8859-1 character sets. The tool can
also perform the reverse conversion.

If outputfile is omitted, standard output is used for output. If, in addition, inputfile is omitted, standard input is used
for input.

Perform the reverse operation: Convert a file encoded in ISO-8859-1 with Unicode escapes to a file in any character
encoding supported by the Java runtime environment.

-encoding encoding_name
Specifies the name of the character encoding to be used by the conversion procedure. If this option is not present,
the default character encoding (as determined by the java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset method) is used. The
encoding_name string must be the name of a character encoding that is supported by the Java runtime environment - see
the Supported Encodings @ document.

Pass option to the Java virtual machine, where option is one of the options described on the reference page for the
java(1). For example, -J-Xms48m sets the startup memory to 48 megabytes.

native2ascii -encoding GBK D:\src\ D:\classes\
native2ascii -reverse allMessages_zh_CN.txt


java rmi编译器
为远程对象生成 stub 和 skeleton

Usage: rmic <options> <class names>

where <options> includes:
-keep Do not delete intermediate generated source files
-keepgenerated (same as "-keep")
-v1.1 Create stubs/skeletons for 1.1 stub protocol version
-vcompat Create stubs/skeletons compatible with both
1.1 and 1.2 stub protocol versions
-v1.2 (default) Create stubs for 1.2 stub protocol version only
-iiop Create stubs for IIOP. When present, <options> also includes:

-always Create stubs even when they appear current
-alwaysgenerate (same as "-always")
-nolocalstubs Do not create stubs optimized for same process

-idl Create IDL. When present, <options> also includes:

-noValueMethods Do not generate methods for valuetypes
-always Create IDL even when it appears current
-alwaysgenerate (same as "-always")

-g Generate debugging info
-nowarn Generate no warnings
-nowrite Do not write compiled classes to the file system
-verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing
-classpath <path> Specify where to find input class files
-bootclasspath <path> Override location of bootstrap class files
-extdirs <path> Override location of installed extensions
-d <directory> Specify where to place generated class files
-J<runtime flag> Pass argument to the java interpreter

rmic -d C:\java\classes foo.MyClass



use: serialver [-classpath classpath] [-show] [classname...]

serialver -show
serialver Test(类名)


根据实现了@WebService注释的类生成所有用于发布Web Service所依赖的源代码文件和经过编译过的二进制类文件

Missing SEI

Usage: WSGEN [options] <SEI>

where [options] include:
-classpath <path> specify where to find input class files
-cp <path> same as -classpath <path>
-d <directory> specify where to place generated output files
-extension allow vendor extensions - functionality not specified
by the specification. Use of extensions may
result in applications that are not portable or
may not interoperate with other implementations
-help display help
-keep keep generated files
-r <directory> resource destination directory, specify where to
place resouce files such as WSDLs
-s <directory> specify where to place generated source files
-verbose output messages about what the compiler is doing
-version print version information
-wsdl[:protocol] generate a WSDL file. The protocol is optional.
Valid protocols are [soap1.1, Xsoap1.2],
the default is soap1.1.
The non stanadard protocols [Xsoap1.2]
can only be used in conjunction with the
-extension option.
-inlineSchemas inline schemas in the generated wsdl. Must be
used in conjunction with the -wsdl option.
-servicename <name> specify the Service name to use in the generated WSDL
Used in conjunction with the -wsdl option.
-portname <name> specify the Port name to use in the generated WSDL
Used in conjunction with the -wsdl option.

wsgen -cp . example.Stock
wsgen -cp . example.Stock -wsdl -servicename {http://mynamespace}MyService

wsgen -cp . example.Stock
wsgen -cp . example.Stock -wsdl -servicename {http://mynamespace}MyService



warning: The apt tool and its associated API are planned to be
removed in the next major JDK release. These features have been
superseded by javac and the standardized annotation processing API,
javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model. Users are
recommended to migrate to the annotation processing features of
javac; see the javac man page for more information.
Usage: apt <apt and javac options> <source files>
where apt options include:
-classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files and annotation processor factories
-cp <path> Specify where to find user class files and annotation processor factories
-d <path> Specify where to place processor and javac generated class files
-s <path> Specify where to place processor generated source files
-source <release> Provide source compatibility with specified release
-version Version information
-help Print a synopsis of standard options; use javac -help for more options
-X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
-A[key[=value]] Options to pass to annotation processors
-nocompile Do not compile source files to class files
-print Print out textual representation of specified types
-factorypath <path> Specify where to find annotation processor factories
-factory <class> Name of AnnotationProcessorFactory to use; bypasses default discovery process
See javac -help for information on javac options.

apt -factory HibernateAnnotationFactory



Usage: jar {ctxui}[vfmn0PMe] [jar-file] [manifest-file] [entry-point] [-C dir] files ...
-c create new archive
-t list table of contents for archive
-x extract named (or all) files from archive
-u update existing archive
-v generate verbose output on standard output
-f specify archive file name
-m include manifest information from specified manifest file
-e specify application entry point for stand-alone application
bundled into an executable jar file
-0 store only; use no ZIP compression
-P preserve leading '/' (absolute path) and ".." (parent directory) components from file names
-M do not create a manifest file for the entries
-i generate index information for the specified jar files
-C change to the specified directory and include the following file
If any file is a directory then it is processed recursively.
The manifest file name, the archive file name and the entry point name are
specified in the same order as the 'm', 'f' and 'e' flags.

Example 1: to archive two class files into an archive called classes.jar:
jar cvf classes.jar Foo.class Bar.class
Example 2: use an existing manifest file 'mymanifest' and archive all the
files in the foo/ directory into 'classes.jar':
jar cvfm classes.jar mymanifest -C foo/ .

jar cf hello.jar hello
jar cvf classes.jar Foo.class Bar.class
jar cvfm classes.jar mymanifest -C foo/ .



javadoc: error - No packages or classes specified.
usage: javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [@files]
-overview <file> Read overview documentation from HTML file
-public Show only public classes and members
-protected Show protected/public classes and members (default)
-package Show package/protected/public classes and members
-private Show all classes and members
-help Display command line options and exit
-doclet <class> Generate output via alternate doclet
-docletpath <path> Specify where to find doclet class files
-sourcepath <pathlist> Specify where to find source files
-classpath <pathlist> Specify where to find user class files
-exclude <pkglist> Specify a list of packages to exclude
-subpackages <subpkglist> Specify subpackages to recursively load
-breakiterator Compute 1st sentence with BreakIterator
-bootclasspath <pathlist> Override location of class files loaded
by the bootstrap class loader
-source <release> Provide source compatibility with specified release
-extdirs <dirlist> Override location of installed extensions
-verbose Output messages about what Javadoc is doing
-locale <name> Locale to be used, e.g. en_US or en_US_WIN
-encoding <name> Source file encoding name
-quiet Do not display status messages
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
-X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options

Provided by Standard doclet:
-d <directory> Destination directory for output files
-use Create class and package usage pages
-version Include @version paragraphs
-author Include @author paragraphs
-docfilessubdirs Recursively copy doc-file subdirectories
-splitindex Split index into one file per letter
-windowtitle <text> Browser window title for the documenation
-doctitle <html-code> Include title for the overview page
-header <html-code> Include header text for each page
-footer <html-code> Include footer text for each page
-top <html-code> Include top text for each page
-bottom <html-code> Include bottom text for each page
-link <url> Create links to javadoc output at <url>
-linkoffline <url> <url2> Link to docs at <url> using package list at <url2>
-excludedocfilessubdir <name1>:.. Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name.
-group <name> <p1>:<p2>.. Group specified packages together in overview page
-nocomment Supress description and tags, generate only declarations.
-nodeprecated Do not include @deprecated information
-noqualifier <name1>:<name2>:... Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output.
-nosince Do not include @since information
-notimestamp Do not include hidden time stamp
-nodeprecatedlist Do not generate deprecated list
-notree Do not generate class hierarchy
-noindex Do not generate index
-nohelp Do not generate help link
-nonavbar Do not generate navigation bar
-serialwarn Generate warning about @serial tag
-tag <name>:<locations>:<header> Specify single argument custom tags
-taglet The fully qualified name of Taglet to register
-tagletpath The path to Taglets
-Xdocrootparent <url> Replaces all appearances of @docRoot followed by /.. in doc comments with <url>
-charset <charset> Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.
-helpfile <file> Include file that help link links to
-linksource Generate source in HTML
-sourcetab <tab length> Specify the number of spaces each tab takes up in the source
-keywords Include HTML meta tags with package, class and member info
-stylesheetfile <path> File to change style of the generated documentation
-docencoding <name> Output encoding name
1 error

javadoc fancy\ fancy\ fancy\editor\ fancy\editor\ fancy\editor\

javadoc -d 文档存放目录 -author -version 源文件名.java



usage: ControlPanel [ (-u scheme | -r scheme) -c cpath -j jrepath ]

Linux GUI的界面下


输出所有内存中对象的工具,甚至可以将VM 中的heap,以二进制输出成文本。打印出某个Java进程(使用pid)内存内的,所有‘对象’的情况

jmap [option] <pid>
(to connect to running process)
jmap [option] <executable <core>
(to connect to a core file)
jmap [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
(to connect to remote debug server)

where <option> is one of:
<none> to print same info as Solaris pmap
-heap to print java heap summary
-histo[:live] to print histogram of java object heap; if the "live"
suboption is specified, only count live objects
-permstat to print permanent generation statistics
-finalizerinfo to print information on objects awaiting finalization
-dump:<dump-options> to dump java heap in hprof binary format
live dump only live objects; if not specified,
all objects in the heap are dumped.
format=b binary format
file=<file> dump heap to <file>
Example: jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>
-F force. Use with -dump:<dump-options> <pid> or -histo
to force a heap dump or histogram when <pid> does not
respond. The "live" suboption is not supported
in this mode.
-h | -help to print this help message
-J<flag> to pass <flag> directly to the runtime system

jmap 2176
jmap -J-d64 -heap 2176
jmap -histo 2176



Usage: jrunscript [options] [arguments...]

where [options] include:
-classpath <path> Specify where to find user class files
-cp <path> Specify where to find user class files
-D<name>=<value> Set a system property
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
-l <language> Use specified scripting language
-e <script> Evaluate given script
-encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by script files
-f <script file> Evaluate given script file
-f - Interactive mode, read script from standard input
If this is used, this should be the last -f option
-help Print this usage message and exit
-? Print this usage message and exit
-q List all scripting engines available and exit

If [arguments..] are present and if no -e or -f option is used, then first
argument is script file and the rest of the arguments, if any, are passed
as script arguments. If [arguments..] and -e or -f option is used, then all
[arguments..] are passed as script arguments. If [arguments..], -e, -f are
missing, then interactive mode is used.

jrunscript -e "println('hello world')"


基于RMI(Remove Method Invocation)的服务程序,它用于监控基于HotSpot的JVM中资源的创建及销毁,并且提供了一个远程接口允许远程的监控工具连接到本地的JVM执行命令

usage: jstatd [-nr] [-p port] [-n rminame]

jstatd -nr






可执行程序,用于启动系统激活进程,以便能够在 Java 虚拟机上注册和激活对象。 rmid的出现是为了解决分布式处理的性能问题

rmid: illegal option: --help
Usage: rmid <options>

where <options> include:
-port <port> Specify port for rmid to use
-log <directory> Specify directory in which rmid writes log
-stop Stop current invocation of rmid (for specified port)
-C<runtime flag> Pass argument to each child process (activation group)
-J<runtime flag> Pass argument to the java interpreter

rmid -port 1099







Usage: wsimport [options] <WSDL_URI>

where [options] include:
-b <path> specify jaxws/jaxb binding files or additional schemas
(Each <path> must have its own -b)
-B<jaxbOption> Pass this option to JAXB schema compiler
-catalog <file> specify catalog file to resolve external entity references
supports TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog format.
-d <directory> specify where to place generated output files
-extension allow vendor extensions - functionality not specified
by the specification. Use of extensions may
result in applications that are not portable or
may not interoperate with other implementations
-help display help
-httpproxy:<host>:<port> specify a HTTP proxy server (port defaults to 8080)
-keep keep generated files
-p <pkg> specifies the target package
-quiet suppress wsimport output
-s <directory> specify where to place generated source files
-target <version> generate code as per the given JAXWS spec version
Defaults to 2.2, Accepted values are 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2
e.g. 2.0 will generate compliant code for JAXWS 2.0 spec
-verbose output messages about what the compiler is doing
-version print version information
-wsdllocation <location> @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation value
-clientjar <jarfile> Creates the jar file of the generated artifacts along with the
WSDL metadata required for invoking the web service.

-XadditionalHeaders map headers not bound to request or response message to
Java method parameters
-Xauthfile file to carry authorization information in the format
-Xdebug print debug information
-Xno-addressing-databinding enable binding of W3C EndpointReferenceType to Java
-Xnocompile do not compile generated Java files
-XdisableSSLHostnameVerification disable the SSL Hostname verification while fetching

wsimport stock.wsdl -b stock.xml -b stock.xjb
wsimport -d generated

wsimport stock.wsdl -b stock.xml -b stock.xjb
wsimport -d generated



Usage: jarsigner [options] jar-file alias
jarsigner -verify [options] jar-file [alias...]

[-keystore <url>] keystore location

[-storepass <password>] password for keystore integrity

[-storetype <type>] keystore type

[-keypass <password>] password for private key (if different)

[-certchain <file>] name of alternative certchain file

[-sigfile <file>] name of .SF/.DSA file

[-signedjar <file>] name of signed JAR file

[-digestalg <algorithm>] name of digest algorithm

[-sigalg <algorithm>] name of signature algorithm

[-verify] verify a signed JAR file

[-verbose[:suboptions]] verbose output when signing/verifying.
suboptions can be all, grouped or summary

[-certs] display certificates when verbose and verifying

[-tsa <url>] location of the Timestamping Authority

[-tsacert <alias>] public key certificate for Timestamping Authority

[-altsigner <class>] class name of an alternative signing mechanism

[-altsignerpath <pathlist>] location of an alternative signing mechanism

[-internalsf] include the .SF file inside the signature block

[-sectionsonly] don't compute hash of entire manifest

[-protected] keystore has protected authentication path

[-providerName <name>] provider name

[-providerClass <class> name of cryptographic service provider's
[-providerArg <arg>]] ... master class file and constructor argument

[-strict] treat warnings as errors

jarsigner [选项] jar 文件别名
jarsigner -verify [选项] jar 文件



Usage: javafxpackager -command [-options]

where command is one of:
The packager produces jar archive according to other parameters.
The packager generates the jnlp and html files according to other
Converts css file into binary form
Signs jar file(s) with a provided certificate.
Performs compilation, createjar and deploy steps as one call with
most arguments predefined. The sources must be located in "src"
folder, the resulting files (jar, jnlp, html) are put in "dist"
folder. This command may be configured only in a minimal way and is
as automated as possible.

Options for createjar command include:
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-preloader <preloader class>
qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.
-paramfile <file>
properties file with default named application parameters.
-argument arg
An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP
-classpath <files>
list of dependent jar file names.
-manifestAttrs <manifest attributes>
List of additional manifest attributes. Syntax: "name1=value1,
If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes
to the jarfile.
The packager won't convert CSS files to binary form before copying
to jar.
-runtimeversion <version>
version of the required JavaFX Runtime.
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-outfile <filename>
The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be packed.

Options for deploy command include:
-title <title>
title of the application.
-vendor <vendor>
vendor of the application.
-description <description>
description of the application.
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-preloader <preloader class>
qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.
-paramfile <file>
properties file with default named application parameters.
-htmlparamfile <file>
properties file with parameters for the resulting applet.
-width <width>
width of the application.
-height <height>
height of the application.
-native <type>
generate self-contained application bundles (if possible).
If type is specified then only bundle of this type is created.
List of supported types includes: installer, image, exe, msi, dmg, rpm, deb.
-name <name>
name of the application.
If present, the jnlp file will be embedded in the html document.
If present, the certificates will be embedded in the jnlp file.
If present, the application will require all security permissions
in the jnlp file.
-updatemode <updatemode>
sets the update mode for the jnlp file.
if present, the srcfiles are treated as extensions.
specifies user callback methods in generated HTML. The format is
name of the html template file. Placeholders are in form of
name of the html file to write the filled-in template to.
Application ID of the application for template processing.
-argument arg
An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-outfile <filename>
The name (without the extension) of the resulting file.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used.

Options for createbss command include:
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file to.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to pack.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used.

Options for signJar command include:
-keyStore <file>
Keystore filename.
Alias for the key.
Password to check integrity of the keystore or unlock the keystore.
Password for recovering the key.
Keystore type, the default value is "jks".
-outdir <dir>
name of the directory to generate output file(s) to.
-srcdir <dir>
Base dir of the files to signed.
-srcfiles <files>
List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which
is a mandatory argument in this case) will be signed.

Options for makeAll command include:
-appclass <application class>
qualified name of the application class to be executed.
-preloader <preloader class>
qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.
-classpath <files>
list of dependent jar file names.
-name <name>
name of the application.
-width <width>
width of the application.
-height <height>
height of the application.
-v enable verbose output.

Sample usages:
javafxpackager -createjar -appclass package.ClassName
-srcdir classes -outdir out -outfile outjar -v
Packages the content of the classes directory to outjar.jar,
sets the application class to package.ClassName.
javafxpackager -deploy -outdir outdir -outfile outfile -width 34 -height 43
-name AppName -appclass package.ClassName -v -srcdir compiled
Generates outfile.jnlp and corresponding outfile.html files in
outdir for aplication AppName that is started by package.ClassName
class and has dimensions of 34x43.
javafxpackager -makeall -appclass brickbreaker.Main -name BrickBreaker
-width 600 -height 600
This command does all the packaging work including compilation:
compile, createjar, deploy.

javafxpackager -deploy -appclass Test -native image -srcdir archive -outdir deploy -outfile Test


Java Web Start的简写。Java Web Start 是一个Java软件,主要用于管理Java应用程序,例如在线下载、安装、运行、更新

Java(TM) Web Start
Usage: javaws [run-options] <jnlp-file>
javaws [control-options]

where run-options include:
-verbose display additional output
-offline run the application in offline mode
-system run the application from the system cache only
-Xnosplash run without showing a splash screen
-J<option> supply option to the vm
-wait start java process and wait for its exit

control-options include:
-viewer show the cache viewer in the java control panel
-clearcache remove all non-installed applications from the cache
-uninstall remove all applications from the cache
-uninstall <jnlp-file> remove the application from the cache
-import [import-options] <jnlp-file> import the application to the cache

import-options include:
-silent import silently (with no user interface)
-system import application into the system cache
-codebase <url> retrieve resources from the given codebase
-shortcut install shortcuts as if user allowed prompt
-association install associations as if user allowed prompt

javaws 应用程序jnlp文件的URL



invalid option: --help

Usage: jdb <options> <class> <arguments>

where options include:
-help print out this message and exit
-sourcepath <directories separated by ":">
directories in which to look for source files
-attach <address>
attach to a running VM at the specified address using standard connector
-listen <address>
wait for a running VM to connect at the specified address using standard connector
wait for a running VM to connect at any available address using standard connector
launch VM immediately instead of waiting for 'run' command
-listconnectors list the connectors available in this VM
-connect <connector-name>:<name1>=<value1>,...
connect to target VM using named connector with listed argument values
-dbgtrace [flags] print info for debugging jdb
-tclient run the application in the HotSpot(TM) Client Compiler
-tserver run the application in the HotSpot(TM) Server Compiler

options forwarded to debuggee process:
-v -verbose[:class|gc|jni]
turn on verbose mode
-D<name>=<value> set a system property
-classpath <directories separated by ":">
list directories in which to look for classes
-X<option> non-standard target VM option

<class> is the name of the class to begin debugging
<arguments> are the arguments passed to the main() method of <class>

For command help type 'help' at jdb prompt







连接到一个 Java 进程或一个核心文件,并充当一个调试服务器

Usage: jsadebugd [options] <pid> [server-id]
(to connect to a live java process)
or jsadebugd [options] <executable> <core> [server-id]
(to connect to a core file produced by <executable>)
server-id is an optional unique id for this debug server, needed
if multiple debug servers are run on the same machine
where options include:
-h | -help to print this help message

jsadebugd 2176(pid)



Usage: /opt/jdk/lib/visualvm/platform/lib/nbexec {options} arguments

General options:
--help show this help
--jdkhome <path> path to Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
-J<jvm_option> pass <jvm_option> to JVM

--cp:p <classpath> prepend <classpath> to classpath
--cp:a <classpath> append <classpath> to classpath
/opt/jdk/lib/visualvm/platform/lib/nbexec: WARNING: environment variable DISPLAY is not set
netbeans.user points to a non-existent directory.
Module reload options:
--reload /path/to/module.jar install or reinstall a module JAR file

Additional module options:
--openid <arg> open application with id <arg>
--openpid <arg> open application with process id <arg>
--openfile <arg> open file specified by <arg>, file can be Application snapshot, NetBeans Profiler snapshot or HPROF heap dump.
--openjmx <arg> open application specified by JMX connection (host:port)
--refresh Refresh all catalogs
--list Prints the list of all modules, their versions and enablement status
--install <arg1>...<argN> Installs provided JAR files as modules
--disable <arg1>...<argN> Disable modules for specified codebase names
--enable <arg1>...<argN> Enable modules for specified codebase names
--update <arg1>...<argN> Updates all or specified modules
--update-all Updates all modules
--extra-uc <arg> Add a extra Update Center (URL)

Core options:
--laf <LaF classname> use given LookAndFeel class instead of the default
--fontsize <size> set the base font size of the user interface, in points
--locale <language[:country[:variant]]> use specified locale
--userdir <path> use specified directory to store user settings
--cachedir <path> use specified directory to store user cache, must be different from userdir
--nosplash do not show the splash screen




Usage: pack200 [-opt... | --option=value]... x.pack[.gz] y.jar
(For more information, run pack200 --help .)



Java 远程对象注册表,用于在当前主机的指定端口上创建并启动一个远程对象注册表。

port argument, --help, is not a number.
Usage: rmiregistry <options> <port>

where <options> includes:
-J<runtime flag> Pass argument to the java interpreter



Java IDL瞬时命名服务


tnameserv -ORBInitialPort 3388



主要用于根据XML schema文件生成对应的Java类。

grammar is not specified

Usage: xjc [-options ...] <schema file/URL/dir/jar> ... [-b <bindinfo>] ...
If dir is specified, all schema files in it will be compiled.
If jar is specified, /META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode binding file will be compiled.
-nv : do not perform strict validation of the input schema(s)
-extension : allow vendor extensions - do not strictly follow the
Compatibility Rules and App E.2 from the JAXB Spec
-b <file/dir> : specify external bindings files (each <file> must have its own -b)
If a directory is given, **/*.xjb is searched
-d <dir> : generated files will go into this directory
-p <pkg> : specifies the target package
-httpproxy <proxy> : set HTTP/HTTPS proxy. Format is [user[:password]@]proxyHost:proxyPort
-httpproxyfile <f> : Works like -httpproxy but takes the argument in a file to protect password
-classpath <arg> : specify where to find user class files
-catalog <file> : specify catalog files to resolve external entity references
support TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog format.
-readOnly : generated files will be in read-only mode
-npa : suppress generation of package level annotations (**/
-no-header : suppress generation of a file header with timestamp
-target (2.0|2.1) : behave like XJC 2.0 or 2.1 and generate code that doesnt use any 2.2 features.
-encoding <encoding> : specify character encoding for generated source files
-enableIntrospection : enable correct generation of Boolean getters/setters to enable Bean Introspection apis
-contentForWildcard : generates content property for types with multiple xs:any derived elements
-xmlschema : treat input as W3C XML Schema (default)
-relaxng : treat input as RELAX NG (experimental,unsupported)
-relaxng-compact : treat input as RELAX NG compact syntax (experimental,unsupported)
-dtd : treat input as XML DTD (experimental,unsupported)
-wsdl : treat input as WSDL and compile schemas inside it (experimental,unsupported)
-verbose : be extra verbose
-quiet : suppress compiler output
-help : display this help message
-version : display version information
-fullversion : display full version information

-Xinject-code : inject specified Java code fragments into the generated code
-Xlocator : enable source location support for generated code
-Xsync-methods : generate accessor methods with the 'synchronized' keyword
-mark-generated : mark the generated code as @javax.annotation.Generated
-episode <FILE> : generate the episode file for separate compilation

xjc fileName.xsd -d 生成java实体类的目录 -p 生成的包名


JDK自带的jar文件检测工具,主要用于检测指定的jar文件与Java SDK安装的任何扩展之间是否存在版本冲突。在安装一个扩展之前,你可以使用此工具来检测是否已经安装该扩展的相同版本或最新版本

Insufficient number of arguments
Usage: extcheck [-verbose] <jar file>

extcheck [-verbose] [-J<runtime flag>] target.jar



(to execute a class)
or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available
-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available
-server to select the "server" VM
The default VM is server.

-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
A : separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
set a system property
enable verbose output
-version print product version and exit
require the specified version to run
-showversion print product version and continue
-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
-? -help print this help message
-X print help on non-standard options
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image
See for more details.

java 包名.类名



javah [options] <classes>
where [options] include:
-o <file> Output file (only one of -d or -o may be used)
-d <dir> Output directory
-v -verbose Enable verbose output
-h --help -? Print this message
-version Print version information
-jni Generate JNI-style header file (default)
-force Always write output files
-classpath <path> Path from which to load classes
-bootclasspath <path> Path from which to load bootstrap classes
<classes> are specified with their fully qualified names
(for example, java.lang.Object).

javah -classpath . cn.softown.HelloJni



Usage: jcmd <pid | main class> <command ...|PerfCounter.print|-f file>
or: jcmd -l
or: jcmd -h

command must be a valid jcmd command for the selected jvm.
Use the command "help" to see which commands are available.
If the pid is 0, commands will be sent to all Java processes.
The main class argument will be used to match (either partially
or fully) the class used to start Java.
If no options are given, lists Java processes (same as -p).

PerfCounter.print display the counters exposed by this process
-f read and execute commands from the file
-l list JVM processes on the local machine
-h this help

jcmd com.example.MyClass name=\"Value of name argument\"



Usage: jhat [-stack <bool>] [-refs <bool>] [-port <port>] [-baseline <file>] [-debug <int>] [-version] [-h|-help] <file>

-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system. For
example, -J-mx512m to use a maximum heap size of 512MB
-stack false: Turn off tracking object allocation call stack.
-refs false: Turn off tracking of references to objects
-port <port>: Set the port for the HTTP server. Defaults to 7000
-exclude <file>: Specify a file that lists data members that should
be excluded from the reachableFrom query.
-baseline <file>: Specify a baseline object dump. Objects in
both heap dumps with the same ID and same class will
be marked as not being "new".
-debug <int>: Set debug level.
0: No debug output
1: Debug hprof file parsing
2: Debug hprof file parsing, no server
-version Report version number
-h|-help Print this help and exit
<file> The file to read

For a dump file that contains multiple heap dumps,
you may specify which dump in the file
by appending "#<number>" to the file name, i.e. "foo.hprof#3".

All boolean options default to "true"




jstack [-l] <pid>
(to connect to running process)
jstack -F [-m] [-l] <pid>
(to connect to a hung process)
jstack [-m] [-l] <executable> <core>
(to connect to a core file)
jstack [-m] [-l] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
(to connect to a remote debug server)

-F to force a thread dump. Use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung)
-m to print both java and native frames (mixed mode)
-l long listing. Prints additional information about locks
-h or -help to print this help message

jstack -l 2176



Key and Certificate Management Tool


-certreq Generates a certificate request
-changealias Changes an entry's alias
-delete Deletes an entry
-exportcert Exports certificate
-genkeypair Generates a key pair
-genseckey Generates a secret key
-gencert Generates certificate from a certificate request
-importcert Imports a certificate or a certificate chain
-importkeystore Imports one or all entries from another keystore
-keypasswd Changes the key password of an entry
-list Lists entries in a keystore
-printcert Prints the content of a certificate
-printcertreq Prints the content of a certificate request
-printcrl Prints the content of a CRL file
-storepasswd Changes the store password of a keystore

Use "keytool -command_name -help" for usage of command_name

keytool -genkeypair -alias "test1" -keyalg "RSA" -keystore "test.keystore"






根据带有jaxb注解的类来生成schema文件,类似于hibernate orm的反向生成数据库schema

Usage: schemagen [-options ...] <java files>
-d <path> : specify where to place processor and javac generated class files
-cp <path> : specify where to find user specified files
-classpath <path> : specify where to find user specified files
-encoding <encoding> : specify encoding to be used for apt/javac invocation
-episode <file> : generate episode file for separate compilation
-version : display version information
-fullversion : display full version information
-help : display this usage message



Usage: unpack200 [-opt... | --option=value]... x.pack[.gz] y.jar
(For more information, run unpack200 --help .)




  1. 安卓Android文件上传Demo报错 /
  2. Eclipse创建的包变成文件夹的解决方法
  3. Android 多线程下载文件原理霸气解析介绍 (完结版)-----greendao
  4. [java混淆器问题] 如何让web项目的class文件不能被反编译,又能在w
  5. eclipse写javaweb工程时文件目录为WebContent而不是WenRoot的不
  6. JMeter-Java压力测试工具-02
  7. Java的Char的简单工具类CharUtil2.0
  8. Java: SAX解析一个巨大的XML文件。
  9. 使用Java语言如何实现快速文件复制?


  1. 对一个JavaScript对象数组进行排序。
  2. JAVA视频笔记(day5)
  3. 自定义MapReduce输入格式 - 找不到构造函
  4. java数组常用功能
  5. JAVA异步加回调的例子
  6. java中文乱码解决之道(三)—–编码详情:伟大
  7. NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.http.
  8. [置顶] Java中的类装载和初始化模
  9. Javascript 同步异步加载详解 (十足的好文
  10. java的数组下标的非常严重的问题,异常不爽