I am trying to create a setter and a getter for a field using Byte Buddy.

我正在尝试使用Byte Buddy为一个字段创建一个setter和一个getter。

public class Sample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {

        Class<?> type = new ByteBuddy()
                .defineField("id", int.class, Visibility.PRIVATE)               
                .defineMethod("getId", int.class, Visibility.PUBLIC).intercept(FieldAccessor.ofBeanProperty())
                .load(Sample.class.getClassLoader(), ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.WRAPPER)

        Object o = type.newInstance();
        Field f = o.getClass().getDeclaredField("id");
        Method m = o.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getId", int.class);

In the accessing field section of the learn pages here it is stated that creating a setter and getter is trivial by using an implementation after defining the method and then using FieldAccessor.ofBeanProperty()


The Method m = o.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getId", int.class); throws the NoSuchMethodException.

方法m = o.getClass()。getDeclaredMethod(“getId”,int.class);抛出NoSuchMethodException。

What is the correct syntax for creating a getter and a setter?


1 个解决方案



The correct method call should be


Method m = o.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getId");

int is the return type, and you don't have to specify the return type in the getDeclaredMethod call - only the argument types and the method getId has no arguments.

int是返回类型,您不必在getDeclaredMethod调用中指定返回类型 - 只有参数类型和方法getId没有参数。


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