i have a persistent hibernate managed @entity Obj in Hibernate, which has fields id, fieldA, and fieldB, among others.

我在hibernate中有一个持久的hibernate托管@entity Obj,它有字段id、fieldA和fieldB等。

In some class i have two @Transactional methods, updateA() and updateB().
updateA() obtains an Obj by its id, does some processing, and updates its fieldA.
updateB does same for fieldB.


I also have two clients that continuously make requests. One client always makes requests that call updateA(), and the other client always calls updateB().
They both pass the same id of an existing Obj.


Is there a way to avoid the HibernateOptimisticLockingFailureException that keeps occurring, or to handle it once successfully, given the fact that each method updates different fields? Some kind of a merge?


Just to complete the picture, the thread that calls updateA() in fact calls other transactional methods similar to updateA(), but none updates fieldB.


At first I just tried to catch the exception and re-try the operation a second time. But sometimes it fails the second time too... This does not seem like a good solution.


2 个解决方案



If you can safely do it, the easiest way is to exclude fieldB from optimistic locking:


import org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLock;

/* ... */

private B fieldB;


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