so I'm supposed to create accessor methods getSuit and getValue for the mySuit and myValue fields, respectively. Then I also need to make a method imageFileName that returns the filename of the image that will be used when I display the card in a graphics window.


The filenames are strings that use only numbers, lower case letters, underscore characters, and a period. They all end in ".png". Here are some examples:



Card Class

public class Card 
  /** This card's suit */ 
  private String mySuit; 
  /** This card's pip value (aces high) */ 
  private int myValue; 
  /** The English names of the cards in a suit */ 
  private String[] cardNames =  
        "Deuce", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", 
        "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace" 

   * The class constructor 
   * @param suit   A String, either "spades", "hearts", "diamonds", or "clubs" 
   * @param value  An int from 2 through 14 
  public Card( String suit, int value ) 
    mySuit = suit; 
    myValue = value; 

   * Gets the full English name of this card 
   * @return the full name of this card in English 
  public String name() 
    return cardNames[ myValue - 2 ] + " of " + mySuit; 

public String getSuit()
    return this.suit;
public int getValue()
    return this.value; 

 * Gets the filename of this card's image
 * @return the filename of this card's image
public String imageFileName()
 return ???.toLowerCase(); // This is the part I'm stuck on


Main Method

public static void main( String[] args )
  Card c = new Card( "diamonds", 10 );
  System.out.println( "Value: " + c.getValue() );
  System.out.println( "Suit: " + c.getSuit() );
  System.out.println( "Filename: " + c.imageFileName() );

and the expected result is:


Value: 10

Suit: diamonds

Filename: 10_of_diamonds.png

If somebody could please explain what to use in the imageFileName method, I'd be very grateful. Thank you!


2 个解决方案



So you want to concatenate the strings, adding underscores and "of"s? Have a look at the Java String tutorial, search for "java string concatenation" on the web and here on SO.

所以你想连接字符串,添加下划线和“of”?看看Java String教程,在网上搜索“java string concatenation”,在这里搜索SO。

To give you some code to play with as well:


return myValue + "_of_" + mySuit.toLowerCase() + ".png";


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