

"You can not manage what you do not measure." This passage from the management master W. Edwards Deming's famous interpretation of why the data is so important. Simply put, through the "big data", managers can fundamentally learn more about their business.

A recent survey found that 84% of respondents in Hong Kong and mainland China selected "highly data-based" (39%) or "based on data" (45%) at the organizational level. The importance of the data category to the business is self-evident.

What are the job requirements for data jobs? What is the job requirement and the salary of the job? tecdat researchers through the analysis of the recruitment site data summary, analysis of data analysis needs of the job changes to understand how these changes affect the Internet practitioners.

Focus on employment opportunities for small and medium enterprises

From the type of data needs of the type of position, job types are mostly data analysis Kong, data mining jobs less.




“大专”或“本科”满足大部分数据分析岗的资格; 企业更注重候选人的能力而不是学历。 研究生,博士学位优势不明显。在数据分析领域,“考博”性价比一般。

平均1-3年的求职者底薪可达8K; 3年以上工作经验的底薪有明显提高; 5年以上的求职者底薪会超过20K,需求比例较小。

从工具词云图来看,主要分为数据库和数据分析两类; 数据库中最常见的是SQL; 分析工具各有所长; 另外,作为数据分析师,优秀的PPT技能也是至关重要的!



求职者需要关注中小型企业的就业机会 。


数据分析师需要重视的技能:数据库技能+数据分析工具+ PPT。





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