I have a Chromebook that I've set up in Developer Mode, with a crouton-installed version of Linux running alongside. Within the Linux crouton, I'm running a simple web server.

我有一个我在开发者模式下设置的Chromebook,并且安装了一个crouton安装的Linux版本。在Linux crouton中,我正在运行一个简单的Web服务器。

My question is whether it's possible to access that server using any Android apps that are also running on that Chromebook?


Android apps have been installable natively on ChromeOS for some time, but everything that I've read says that they run in some kind of sandbox. ChromeOS itself is pretty tight with its firewall rules as well.

Android应用程序已经在ChromeOS上原生安装了一段时间,但我读过的所有内容都说它们运行在某种沙盒中。 ChromeOS本身的防火墙规则也很紧张。

Just to get a start, I'm trying to use the Android version of the Chrome browser to load up a page that's running on a web server in the Linux crouton. I've tried localhost,, and the Chromebook's current IP address.


I followed the instructions at https://developer.android.com/topic/arc/index.html to enable Developer Mode on the Android side and also, I think, loosen up those firewall rules on the ChromeOS side.


Is there some secret sauce that I'm missing? Is this even possible at all?


2 个解决方案



I had the exact same question and found this: https://developer.android.com/topic/arc/index.html#network


It seems that in essence there is no IP traffic allowed from local Chrome to the Android web servers..


Update (thanks jlb for the ping) However, you can run ifconfig in crouton. And then you can access your content via that IP address. I wonder if Firefox takes that shortcut for you..



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