I have a question about the SQL standard which I'm hoping a SQL language lawyer can help with.


Certain expressions just don't work. 62 / 0, for example. The SQL standard specifies quite a few ways in which expressions can go wrong in similar ways. Lots of languages deal with these expressions using special exceptional flow control, or bottom psuedo-values.

某些表达式不起作用。例如,62/0。 SQL标准指定了表达式可能以类似方式出错的几种方式。许多语言使用特殊的异常流控制或底部伪值来处理这些表达式。

I have a table, t, with (only) two columns, x and y each of type int. I suspect it isn't relevant, but for definiteness let's say that (x,y) is the primary key of t. This table contains (only) the following values:


x    y
7    2
3    0
4    1
26   5
31   0
9    3

What behavior is required by the SQL standard for SELECT expressions operating on this table which may involve division(s) by zero? Alternatively, if no one behavior is required, what behaviors are permitted?


For example, what behavior is required for the following select statements?


The easy one:


SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot

A harder one:


SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
WHERE y != 0

An even harder one:


SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
WHERE x % 2 = 0

Would an implementation (say, one that failed to realize on a more complex version of this query that the restriction could be moved inside the extension) be permitted to produce a division by zero error in response to this query, because, say it attempted to divide 3 by 0 as part of the extension before performing the restriction and realizing that 3 % 2 = 1? This could become important if, for example, the extension was over a small table but the result--when joined with a large table and restricted on the basis of data in the large table--ended up restricting away all of the rows which would have required division by zero.

一个实现(比如,一个未能在该查询的更复杂版本上实现限制可以在扩展内移动的实现)是否允许在响应此查询时产生零错误除法,因为它说它试图在执行限制之前将3除以0作为扩展的一部分并实现3%2 = 1?例如,如果扩展名在一个小表上,但结果 - 当与一个大表连接并且基于大表中的数据限制时 - 结果限制了所有的行,这可能变得很重要。要求除以零。

If t had millions of rows, and this last query were performed by a table scan, would an implementation be permitted to return the first several million results before discovering a division by zero near the end when encountering one even value of x with a zero value of y? Would it be required to buffer?


There are even worse cases, ponder this one, which depending on the semantics can ruin boolean short-circuiting or require four-valued boolean logic in restrictions:


WHERE ((x / y) >= 2) AND ((x % 2) = 0)

If the table is large, this short-circuiting problem can get really crazy. Imagine the table had a million rows, one of which had a 0 divisor. What would the standard say is the semantics of:


                SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot
                FROM t
       THEN 1
       ELSE 0
       END AS what_is_my_value

It seems like this value should probably be an error since it depends on the emptiness or non-emptiness of a result which is an error, but adopting those semantics would seem to prohibit the optimizer for short-circuiting the table scan here. Does this existence query require proving the existence of one non-bottoming row, or also the non-existence of a bottoming row?


I'd appreciate guidance here, because I can't seem to find the relevant part(s) of the specification.


1 个解决方案


All implementations of SQL that I've worked with treat a division by 0 as an immediate NaN or #INF. The division is supposed to be handled by the front end, not by the implementation itself. The query should not bottom out, but the result set needs to return NaN in this case. Therefore, it's returned at the same time as the result set, and no special warning or message is brought up to the user.


At any rate, to properly deal with this, use the following query:


   x, y, 
   case y 
       when 0 then null 
       else x / y 
   end as quot

To answer your last question, this statement:


SELECT x, y, x / y AS quot

Would return this:


x    y   quot
7    2    3.5
3    0    NaN
4    1      4
26   5    5.2
31   0    NaN
9    3      3

So, your exists would find all the rows in t, regardless of what their quotient was.


Additionally, I was reading over your question again and realized I hadn't discussed where clauses (for shame!). The where clause, or predicate, should always be applied before the columns are calculated.


Think about this query:


select x, y, x/y as quot from t where x%2 = 0

If we had a record (3,0), it applies the where condition, and checks if 3 % 2 = 0. It does not, so it doesn't include that record in the column calculations, and leaves it right where it is.

如果我们有一个记录(3,0),它应用where条件,并检查是否3%2 = 0.它没有,所以它不包括列计算中的那个记录,并将它保留在它的正确位置。


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