一博客中,一段的注释的解释:[From: http://blog.csdn.net/hustpzb/article/details/8525324]

/**  * Access to the system diagnostic event record.  System diagnostic events are  * used to record certain system-level events (such as garbage collection,  * activity manager state, system watchdogs, and other low level activity),  * which may be automatically collected and analyzed during system development.  *  * <p>This is <b>not</b> the main "logcat" debugging log ({@link android.util.Log})!  * These diagnostic events are for system integrators, not application authors.  *  * <p>Events use integer tag codes corresponding to /system/etc/event-log-tags.  * They carry a payload of one or more int, long, or String values.  The  * event-log-tags file defines the payload contents for each type code.  */  

在Google Andorid代码中:

system/core/include/cutils/event_tag_map.h 第24行

其中另一博客亦有详细的介绍:[From: http://blog.csdn.net/darkengine/article/details/8477502]

总而言之,按个人理解,这个是用来设定、配置输出日志(event log)格式的。


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  2. 查询存储空间的代码
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  4. UI 开源代码 FileBrowserView
  5. Android系列教程:TextView小组件的使用--附带超链接和跑马灯效果
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  5. 没事抽空学——常用界面组件属性
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