I have two tables. order_details which is 100,000 rows, and outbound which is 10,000 rows.

我有两张桌子。 order_details是100,000行,出站是10,000行。

I need to join them on a column called order_number, which is a VARCHAR(50) on both. order_number is not unique in the outbound table.

我需要在名为order_number的列上加入它们,这两个列都是VARCHAR(50)。 order_number在出站表中不唯一。

CREATE TABLE `outbound` (
    `outbound_id` int(12) NOT NULL,
    `order_number` varchar(50) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE `order_details` (
    `order_details_id` int(12) NOT NULL,
    `order_number` varchar(50) NOT NULL

This is my initial query, and it takes well over 60 seconds to run:


SELECT o.order_number
FROM outbound o
INNER JOIN order_details od
    ON o.order_number = od.order_number

This query gets the same results and takes less than a second to run:


SELECT o.order_number
FROM outbound o
    SELECT order_number
    FROM order_details
) od
ON (o.order_number = od.order_number)

This is surprising to me because usually sub-queries are significantly slower.


Running EXPLAIN (which I'm still learning how to understand) shows that the sub query version uses a derived2 table, that it is using an index, and that index is auto_key0. I'm not savvy enough to know how to interpret this to understand why this makes a significant difference.


I am running these queries over command line.


I am running MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.35, for Linux (x86_64) CentOS.

我正在为Linux(x86_64)CentOS运行MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.35。

In summary:

Why is this simple join query significantly quicker with a sub-query?


1 个解决方案



My knowledge of MySQL is very limited. But these are my thoughts:


Your tables don't have indexes. Then the join has to read the entire second table in order to compare, for each row of the first table.


The subquery reads the second table once and creates an index, then it doesn't need to read the entire second table for each row of the first table. It only has to check the index, which is much more faster.


To verify if I'm ritght or not, try creating indexes for the column order_number in your two tables (CREATE INDEX ... ), and run again this two queries. Your first query should only take less than a second instead of a minute.

要验证我是否正确,请尝试在两个表(CREATE INDEX ...)中为order_number列创建索引,然后再次运行这两个查询。您的第一个查询应该只需不到一秒钟而不是一分钟。


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