When storing a user's religion in a "User Table", so that if you look down a column you would see "Christian" many times, "Muslim" many times, etc considered a failure of a normal form? Which form?


The way I see it:


  • 1nf: There are no repeating columns.


  • 2nf: There is no concatenated primary key, so this does not apply.


  • 3nf: There is no dependency on a nonkey attribute.


Storing user religion this way does not seem to fail any normal form, however it seems very inefficient. Comments?


5 个解决方案



Your design supports all normal forms. It's fine that your attribute has a string value. The size of the data type is irrelevant for normalization.


The goal of normalization is not physical storage efficiency -- the goal is to prevent anomalies. And to support logical efficiency, i.e. store a given fact only once. In this case, the fact that the user on a given row is Christian.

规范化的目标不是物理存储效率 - 目标是防止异常。并且支持逻辑效率,即仅存储给定事实一次。在这种情况下,给定行上的用户是基督徒的事实。


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