When I install an application via sudo apt-get install application, there is a prompt indicating the amount of disk space the application will fill and asks whether or not I want to continue. To continue I would type y and enter.

当我通过sudo apt-get install应用程序安装应用程序时,会出现一个提示,指示应用程序将填充的磁盘空间量,并询问我是否要继续。要继续,我会键入y并输入。

If I put the command in a script, how can I have the y and enter execute automatically?


1 个解决方案



You can either use yes to supply an infinite amount of y's:


yes|sudo apt-get install ...

or you can use the -y flag for apt-get install


sudo apt-get -y install ...

Alternatively, you can use --force-yes with apt-get to force even potentially dangerous actions. (See man apt-get for more information about options to apt-get.)

或者,您可以使用--force-yes和apt-get强制执行甚至是潜在危险的操作。 (有关apt-get选项的更多信息,请参阅man apt-get。)


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