suppose i have this table:


group_id | image | image_id |
23        blob       1
23        blob       2
23        blob       3
21        blob       4
21        blob       5
25        blob       6
25        blob       7

how to get results of only 1 of each group id? in this case,there may be multiple images for one group id, i just want one result of each group_id


i tried distinct but i will only get group_id. max for image also would not work.


2 个解决方案



There are no standard aggregate function in Oracle that would work with BLOBs, so GROUP BY solutions won't work.

Oracle中没有可与BLOB一起使用的标准聚合函数,因此GROUP BY解决方案将无法工作。

Try this one based on ROW_NUMBER() in a sub-query.


SELECT inn.group_id, inn.image, inn.image_id
(SELECT t.group_id, t.image, t.image_id, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY t.group_id ORDER BY t.image_id) num
 FROM theTable t) inn
WHERE inn.num=1;

The above should return the first (based on image_id) row for each group.


SQL Fiddle



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