1. I'm using Dropbox Android SDK for getting photos and show it into a GridView.
  2. 我正在使用Dropbox Android SDK获取照片并将其显示到GridView中。

  3. Currently, I'm using Picasso for adapter with another images resources like GPhotos, Facebook... too.
  4. 目前,我正在使用毕加索作为适配器与另一个图像资源,如GPhotos,Facebook ......。

  5. How can I get downloadable link from Dropbox's file? Or How to use Picasso load Dropbox's image?
    This is the way I get the Dropbox image:


    List<Entry> listEntry = mApi.search("/photos", ".jpg", 0, false);
    int i = 0;
    for (Entry entry : listEntry) {
        if (this.isRemoving()) { // Check if fragment is being removed
        if (!entry.isDir) { // Check if this entry is dir or file
            Log.e(TAG, entry + " --- " + entry.fileName() + " --- "
                    + entry.parentPath() + " --- " + entry.modified);
            final DropboxLink shareLink = mApi.share(entry.parentPath()
                    + entry.fileName());
            url = shareLink.url;
            Log.v(TAG, "shareLink: " + shareLink.url);
            // The file name I get is ImageName.JPG and path is /Photos
            // With share() the url I get looks like https://db.tt/xxxxxxxx

3 个解决方案



I can't offer insight about using Picasso, but if you can accept the file data directly, using getFile or getThumbnail instead of share would be better.


If you do need a URL that Picasso can directly download from, you should use the media method instead.



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