i am working for an app(survey App) i need to fill an activity with questions and types of answer(choices, edittext,etc) the questions are in a database in a server(apache-mysql) with web services i get and i can display in an Activity but with the answers i have a problem i call an asynctask but it's display the answer in disorder at activity. I dont know if is the right way is correct using multiples asynctask(to get data of database of some tables).

我正在为一个应用程序(调查应用程序)工作我需要填写一个活动的问题和类型的答案(选择,编辑文本等)问题是在服务器(apache-mysql)中的数据库与Web服务我得到和我可以显示在一个活动,但有答案我有一个问题,我称之为asynctask但它显示在活动无序的答案。我不知道使用multiples asynctask(获取某些表的数据库的数据)是否正确的方法是正确的。

Please help me i need to correct this in two days


thank you for all


1 个解决方案



When you fire off a bunch of asyncTasks they run all at the same time so there is no order. If you want to make multiple calls synchronously youll have to follow the pattern from this thread Pattern to make AsyncTask "procedural"



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