I have a minor issue with the way IntelliJ caches files or builds (not sure about terminology here).


Situation Abstract:


Library module


  • DrawableA
  • DrawableA
  • DrawableB
  • DrawableB

App module


  • DrawableA
  • DrawableA

Assume library images are black and white, App ones are color.
The app shows (correctly) the colorful A.
The app shows (correctly) the black and white B (means its missing).
Now I add an image to App project, Drawable B, in color.

假设库图像是黑白的,应用程序图像是彩色的。该应用程序显示(正确)丰富多彩的A.该应用程序显示(正确)黑色和白色B(意味着它缺少)。现在我将图像添加到App项目,Drawable B,颜色。

  • If you simply press "run" he will keep using black and white B
  • 如果你只是按“运行”,他将继续使用黑色和白色B.
  • If you "rebuild project" he will use the correct one
  • 如果你“重建项目”,他将使用正确的项目
  • If you try "Make" and "Compile" manually on Lib and App NO EFFECT
  • 如果您在Lib和App NO EFFECT上手动尝试“Make”和“Compile”

To clarify, this issue is really special. It only occurs if the DrawableB is NOT present in the App module. If you have it, but the WRONG one, and you update it, it works. I assume its an internal caching of IntelliJ, and he does not recognize that I added a drawable (and he has to use it from the App now, not the LIB). Perhaps its something in the google build of Android projects, not enough info about the internal here...


I know, the obvious tip is "do a rebuild of the whole project" - that said, I have 18 App modules, each for one App. The rebuild takes forever (on one of our machines without SSD), and its not neccessary. If I change something in e.g. AppX, I only need to rebuild AppX and the Library. But there seems to be no option for it.

我知道,明显的提示是“重建整个项目” - 说,我有18个App模块,每个模块用于一个App。重建需要永远(在我们的一台没有SSD的机器上),而且不是必需的。如果我改变一些东西,例如AppX,我只需要重建AppX和库。但似乎没有选择。

Does anyone know a workaround, like deleting BIN or other cache folders via script? Cant split up the modules in different "projects", would loose refactoring capabilities.


Crosspost here, check before wasting time to answer (this site here is more frequented and faster, but this issue is so specific, cant hurt to ask the developers too)


2 个解决方案



Try to rebuild project. Smtm i have same problem and it helps me.

尝试重建项目。 Smtm我有同样的问题,它帮助我。


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