I am attempting to obfuscate an Android Library Project (APKLIB), allowing the library to distributed to potential clients for test development without compromising the majority of the source code.


Unfortunately, there is no documentation and no examples that Google can provide, and the only references to obfuscated APKLIBs are question posts with no solutions.


I have attempted to use the android-maven-plugin as well as the maven-proguard-plugin with Maven to obfuscate the APKLIB, but the end result is not obfuscated. I also tried moving the proguard goal to the process-classes and prepare-package phases of maven with no success.


My last resort is splitting the source code out of the APKLIB and obfuscating it as a JAR, while leaving the APKLIB as AIDL files and resources with a dependency on the obfuscated JAR. However, I would like to avoid this if possible since our project has a large number of libraries already.


Does anyone know if it is even possible to obfuscate an APKLIB? And if so, how?


1 个解决方案



Hi are you asking about creating a obfuscated jar file?


You can do that by adding build.xml file to it and making changes in your proguard-project.txt file and running "ant release" from command line and you will find the obfuscated.jar under a proguard folder in your bin folder of project.

您可以通过向其添加build.xml文件并在proguard-project.txt文件中进行更改并从命令行运行“ant release”来执行此操作,您将在项目的bin文件夹中的proguard文件夹下找到obfuscated.jar 。



-> To add build.xml in your project in linux open a terminal and go to android/tools/ant folder and run ./android update project -p /path of your android library project. And you will find build.xml in your project root directory.

- >在linux中的项目中添加build.xml打开一个终端并转到android / tools / ant文件夹并运行你的android库项目的./android更新项目-p / path。您将在项目根目录中找到build.xml。

-> To enable Obfuscation in your project in your editor open a project.properties file and remove comment from proguard.config=${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt:proguard-project.txt

- >要在编辑器中启用项目中的混淆,请打开project.properties文件并从proguard中删除注释。= $ {sdk.dir} /tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt:proguard-project.txt

-> Add your changes to proguard-project.txt file and in terminal go to your project and run ant release

- >将您的更改添加到proguard-project.txt文件,并在终端中转到您的项目并运行ant release


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