I am trying to make an html select list of options update according to a selection made on a prior html select object. My jquery is below. This is being called correctly.


var brandName = $("#Brand").val();

$.get("updateTypes.php?q="+brandName, function(data) {

    var typeData = JSON.parse(data);

    for (loop=0; loop < typeData.length; ++loop) {
        $("#Type").options.add(new Option(typeData[loop]));

As I am using a singleton to interface with my mySQL database, this jquery function calls a 'go-between' .php file called updateTypes.php which is below:


include 'databaseInterface.php';
$brand = $_GET["q"];
$typesData = databaseInterface::getBrandTypes($brand);
return $typesData;

This calls the getBrandTypes function in my singleton below:


$query = "SELECT psTypeName FROM types WHERE brands_psBrandName='$BrandName'";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die ("Couldn't execute query. ".mysqli_error($con));
$resultArray = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
    $resultArray[] = $psTypeName;   

return json_encode($resultArray);

The webpage correctly removes the existing options from the jquery function but fails to update them. It seems to go wrong when I decode the JSON data in the jquery. Why is it going wrong? Is the loop for updating the select object appropriate?


2 个解决方案



You can use $.getJSON if your expecting a json response. You might also be able to use $.each() and then simply .append() to the select tag. You can reference this.property inside the .each().

如果您期望json响应,可以使用$ .getJSON。您也可以使用$ .each()然后简单地使用.append()到select标签。您可以在.each()中引用this.property。

Something like the following:


$.getJSON("updateTypes.php?q="+brandName, function(data) {
    $.each(data, function(){
        $("#Type").append('<option value="'+ this.value +'">'+ this.name +'</option>')

This would assume your json response is something like the following:


[ { name : "foo", value : "bar" }, { name : "another", value : "example" } ]



  1. $ .post请求中的回调函数
  2. 利用jQuery的$.event.fix函数统一浏览器event事件处理
  3. 仅当鼠标停留在元素上时,jQuery才会激活鼠标悬停函数
  4. jQuery循环没有每个和回调函数
  5. JavaScript函数中的Ruby代码
  6. jQuery.parseJSON()函数详解
  7. 从内部获取函数名称
  8. Jquery 1.9, JS -函数在Chrome中没有定义
  9. 将php jsonencode数组结果显示为ajax成功函数


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