I'm new in the world of JavaScript, jQuery, and Ajax. I have a JavaScript function where I want to use the value of a JavaScript variable inside of embedded Ruby code. For example, below I want to use the JS p variable as an argument to the Ruby call to @r.search():

我是JavaScript、jQuery和Ajax领域的新手。我有一个JavaScript函数,我想要在嵌入的Ruby代码中使用一个JavaScript变量的值。例如,下面我想使用JS p变量作为对Ruby调用to @r.search()的参数:

$(function (){
  $('#data-select').on('change',function (){
     var p = document.getElementById('data-select').value; 
     alert(<% j @r.search(+ p +) %>);

I want to know if i can do this? And if i can what's the syntax?


2 个解决方案



First off, I'm assuming this is Ruby on Rails (which you tagged it as). When using ERB you are telling Rails to first evaluate the embedded Ruby code to dynamically insert data that is on the server-side, and then send the file to the client over the internet where their web browser then evaluates the JavaScript.

首先,我假设这是Ruby on Rails(您将其标记为)。在使用ERB时,您要告诉Rails首先评估嵌入的Ruby代码,以动态插入服务器端上的数据,然后通过internet将文件发送给客户端,然后由他们的web浏览器评估JavaScript。

So if this is what's in your file, and you passed a @user variable with a name method that evaluates to "John Smith":

因此,如果这是文件中的内容,您传递了一个@user变量,并使用一个name方法计算为“John Smith”:

// test.js.erb
alert("Hello <%= @user.name %>");

When that file is rendered, your server will evaluate it to this:


// test.js
alert("Hello John Smith");

And then send that over the internet to the client. Only once the client's computer has received this file will the JavaScript be evaluated. They (and the JavaScript) will therefore never see the embedded Ruby code. Therefore what you're doing cannot be done the way you have it because the Ruby code is evaluated before the JavaScript can set the p variable.


If you want to get information that resides on the server after the client has received the file and is running the JavaScript, you can use something called Ajax, which uses JavaScript to send data asynchronously back to the server. Check out this Rails guide for more details on that.



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