Given this HTML:


<button id="buttonId1" class="hello universe">
<button id="buttonId2" class="hello world">

What's the correct way to do something like this:


$("#buttonId1").click(function ()

I realize the getClass function does not exist in JQuery or Javascript. But I'm hoping there's some way to approximate it. I have a more complex real world problem that's difficult to boil down into a simple question but basically I think I need to somehow access the class of an element and then use that class string to perform an additional selection such as this:



Perhaps there are simpler ways of hiding the buttonId2 in the code I've given - that's not really the point, though. What I'm interested in is how to get at the class and then use that further. The only solution I've come up with so far is use a long branch of if/else statements checking all of the possible classes using the hasClass function. But it's a very inelegant solution.

也许有更简单的方法可以将buttonId2隐藏在我给出的代码中 - 尽管如此,这并不是重点。我感兴趣的是如何上课,然后进一步使用。到目前为止,我提出的唯一解决方案是使用if / else语句的长分支,使用hasClass函数检查所有可能的类。但这是一个非常不优雅的解决方案。

EDIT: Responding to Paolo's answer, perhaps something like this will work to hide button2:



3 个解决方案


I think if you try to explain what your ultimate purpose is I might be able to actually help you achieve your ultimate result in the best "jQuery way" - without that, however, all I can say is that:

我想如果你试图解释你的最终目的是什么,我可以真正帮助你以最好的“jQuery方式”实现你的最终结果 - 但是,如果不是这样,我只能说:

$("#buttonId1").click(function() {    

Would alert 'hello' and:


$("#buttonId2").click(function() {    

Would alert 'hello world'


(As a side note, redoing the selector inside an event function like you have in your example is bad practice; you can simply use $(this) to signify the element that is currently being acted upon)



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