I have category wise filter marker with left side ,right side move marker .while moviving one marker to another marker using right or left click console i am getting error like TypeError: Cannot read property '__e3_' of undefined.i have tried to solve this but i can't able to solve pls help me out for this? here is my demo demo.after select some value like "This city is aiiiiite".left and right button should work .


angular.module('mapsApp', [])
        .controller('MapCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$location', '$window', '$compile', function($scope, $http, $location, $window, $compile) {
         var cities = [{
                id: '02jdjd',
                city: 'Toronto',
                desc: 'World Largest city,This city is live,This is the second best city in the world',
                lat: 43.7000,
                long: -79.4000,
            }, {
                id: '02jdjdsss',
                city: 'New York',
                desc: 'coastal area,This city is aiiiiite, ',
                lat: 40.6700,
                long: -73.9400,
            }, {
                id: '02jdjdsssws',
                city: 'Chicago',
                desc: 'This is the second best city in the world',
                lat: 41.8819,
                long: -87.6278,
            }, {
                id: '02jdjdsssz',
                city: 'Los Angeles',
                desc: 'This city is live,coastal area,incredible city',
                lat: 34.0500,
                long: -118.2500,
            }, {
                id: '02jdjdssq',
                city: 'Las Vegas',
                desc: 'the most populous city,This city is live,This city is aiiiiite',
                lat: 36.0800,
                long: -115.1522,
                id: '6djdsss3',
                city: 'Toronto New',
                desc: 'This is the best city in the world',
                lat: 36.82220,
                long: -115.9500,

            var mapOptions = {
                zoom: 4,
                center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.0000, -98.0000),
                mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN

            $scope.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), mapOptions);

            $scope.markers = [];

            var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

            var createMarker = function(info,i) {

                var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                    map: $scope.map,
                    position: new google.maps.LatLng(info.lat, info.long),
                    title: info.city,
					icon: info.icon
                marker.content = "<div><h2>"+marker.title+"</h2><input type='button' value='get' ng-click='get(\""+ info.id + "\")'/>" + "<div class='infoWindowContent'>" + info.desc + "</div><div class='infoWindowContent'>" + info.city + "</div><div class='bar'><div style='float: left;'><button ng-click='markerClick("+(i-1)+")'><< LEFT</button></div><div style='float: right;'><button ng-click='markerClick("+(i+1)+")'>RIGHT >></button></div></div></div>";

                    'click', (function(marker, $scope) {
                        return function() {
                            var compiled = $compile(marker.content)($scope);
                            // $scope.$apply();
                            infoWindow.open($scope.map, marker);
                    })(marker, $scope)

            	console.log("in marker click"+i);

            	google.maps.event.trigger( $scope.markers[i], 'click' );
            $scope.get = function(id) {
                //alert("from $scope.get id : "+id); 

            for (i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {

            $scope.openInfoWindow = function(e, selectedMarker) {
                google.maps.event.trigger(selectedMarker, 'click');

            $scope.clearMarkers = function() {
                for (var i = 0; i < $scope.markers.length; i++) {
                $scope.markers.length = 0;

            $scope.filterMarkers = function() {
                //1.select filtered cities
                var filteredCities;
                var cityDesc = $scope.data.singleSelect;
                if (cityDesc == '0') {
                    filteredCities = cities;
                } else {
                    filteredCities = cities.filter(function(c) {
                        if (c.desc.indexOf(cityDesc) > -1)
                            return c;
                //2.update markers on map
                for (i = 0; i < filteredCities.length; i++) {

#map {
        height: 420px;
        width: 600px;
    .infoWindowContent {
        font-size: 14px !important;
        border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
        padding-top: 10px;
    h2 {
        margin-bottom: 0;
        margin-top: 0;
    .bar {
  overflow: auto;
  white-space: nowrap;
  margin:0px auto;
  border:1px red solid;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.5/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"> </script>
<div ng-app="mapsApp" ng-controller="MapCtrl">
        <div id="map"></div>
        <label>Filter Marker </label>
        <select name="singleSelect" ng-model="data.singleSelect" ng-change="filterMarkers()">
            <option value="0">all</option>
            <option value="This is the best city in the world">This is the best city in the world</option>
            <option value="This city is aiiiiite">This city is aiiiiite</option>
            <option value="the most populous city">the most populous city</option>
            <option value="This city is live">This city is live</option>
			<option value="coastal area">coastal area</option>
			<option value="World Largest city">World Largest city</option>
			<option value="incredible city">incredible city</option>
        <div id="class" ng-repeat="marker in markers | orderBy : 'title'">
            <a href="#" ng-click="openInfoWindow($event, marker)">{{marker.title}}</a>


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