


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/bgstretcher.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/bgstretcher.js"></script>


var img_arr = []; //图片地址
images: img_arr,
imageWidth: 1920,
imageHeight: 1080,
slideDirection: 'N',
slideShowSpeed: 1000,
transitionEffect: 'fade',
sequenceMode: 'normal',
buttonPrev: '#header_controls_left',
buttonNext: '#header_controls_right',
buttonRandom: '#header_controls_center', //自己添加的随机换图片效果按钮
//pagination: '#header_controls_center',
anchoring: 'left center',
anchoringImg: 'left center',
preloadImg: true



/* Variables */
var container = null;
var allLIs = '', containerStr = '';

var element = this;
var _bgStretcherPause = false;
var _bgStretcherAction = false;
var _bgStretcherTm = null;
var random_line = new Array();
var random_temp = new Array();
var r_image = 0;
var swf_mode = false;
var img_options = new Array();
var mid_arr = []; //private
var len = $(".mid_class").length;
mid_arr[i] = $(".mid_class").eq(i).val();
var index_mid = 0;
var random_index;

$.fn.bgStretcher = function(settings){

if ($('.bgstretcher-page').length || $('.bgstretcher-area').length) {
if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) console.log('More than one bgStretcher');
return false;
settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.bgStretcher.defaults, settings);
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings = settings;

function _build(body_content){
if(!settings.images.length){ return; }


containerStr = '#' + settings.imageContainer;
container = $(containerStr);
allLIs = '#' + settings.imageContainer + ' LI';
$(allLIs).hide().css({'z-index': 1, overflow: 'hidden'});

if(!container.length){ return; }


var stratElement = 0;
/* Rebuild images for simpleSlide */
if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) {
console.log('Effect \'simpleSlide\' don\'t be to use with mode random.');
console.log('Mode was automaticly set in normal.');
$(allLIs).css({'float': 'left', position: 'static'});
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'NW' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'NE') {
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection = 'N';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'SW' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'SE') {
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection = 'S';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'S' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
settings.sequenceMode = 'back';
$(allLIs).eq($(allLIs).length - $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex - 1).addClass('bgs-current');
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
t = 0;
} else { // S
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
$(containerStr+' UL').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'});
} else {
settings.sequenceMode = 'normal';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex != 0) {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'N') {
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
} else { // W
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
t = 0;
$(containerStr+' UL').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'});

if ($(settings.buttonNext).length || $(settings.buttonPrev).length || $(settings.pagination).length){
if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) {
console.log('Don\'t use random mode width prev-button, next-button and pagination.');
} else {
/* Prev and Next Buttons init */
if ($(settings.buttonPrev).length){
$(settings.buttonPrev).addClass('bgStretcherNav bgStretcherNavPrev');
if ($(settings.buttonNext).length){
$(settings.buttonNext).addClass('bgStretcherNav bgStretcherNavNext');

if ($(settings.buttonRandom).length){
$(settings.buttonRandom).addClass('bgStretcherRandom bgStretcherNavRandom');

/* Pagination */
if ($(settings.pagination).length) {

/* Random mode init */
if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
var i = Math.floor(Math.random()*$(allLIs).length);
if (settings.transitionEffect != 'simpleSlide') {
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex = i;
stratElement = i;
} else {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex > ($(allLIs).length - 1)) $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex = 0;
stratElement = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex;
if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'S' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
stratElement = $(allLIs).length - 1 - $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex;


/* Go slideshow */
if(settings.slideShow && $(allLIs).length > 1){
_bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)', settings.nextSlideDelay);


function _resize(body_content){
var winW = 0;
var winH = 0;
var contH = 0;
var contW = 0;

if ($('BODY').hasClass('bgStretcher-container')) {
winW = $(window).width();
winH = $(window).height();
if (($.browser.msie) && (parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) == 6)) {
$('#'+settings.imageContainer).css('top', $(window).scrollTop());
} else {
$('.bgstretcher').css('position', 'absolute').css('top', '0px');
winW = body_content.width();
winH = body_content.height();

var imgW = 0, imgH = 0;
var leftSpace = 0;

// Max image size
if(settings.maxWidth != 'auto'){
if (winW > settings.maxWidth){
leftSpace = (winW - settings.maxWidth)/2;
contW = settings.maxWidth;
} else contW = winW;
} else contW = winW;
if(settings.maxHeight != 'auto'){
if (winH > settings.maxHeight){
contH = settings.maxHeight;
} else contH = winH;
} else contH = winH;

// Update container's size

// Non-proportional resize
imgW = contH;
imgH = contH;
} else {
var initW = settings.imageWidth, initH = settings.imageHeight;
var ratio = initH / initW;

imgW = contW;
imgH = Math.round(contW * ratio);

if(imgH < contH){
imgH = contH;
imgW = Math.round(imgH / ratio);

var initW = document.body.offsetWidth, initH = document.body.offsetHeight;
imgH = 1080 * initW / 1920;
imgW = initW;


// Anchoring
var mar_left = 0;
var mar_top = 0;
var anchor_arr;
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoring != 'left top') {
anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoring).split(' ');
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') {
mar_left = (winW - contW);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = Math.round((winW - contW)/2);
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') {
mar_top = (winH - contH);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') {
mar_top = Math.round((winH - contH)/2);
container.css('marginLeft', mar_left+'px').css('marginTop', mar_top+'px');
mar_left = 0;
mar_top = 0;
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoringImg != 'left top') {
anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoringImg).split(' ');
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') {
mar_left = (contW - imgW);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = Math.round((contW - imgW)/2);
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') {
mar_top = (contH - imgH);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') {
mar_top = Math.round((contH - imgH)/2);
img_options['mar_left'] = mar_left;
img_options['mar_top'] = mar_top;

// Apply new size for images
if (container.find('LI:first').hasClass('swf-mode')) {

var path_swf = container.find('LI:first').html();
container.find('LI:first').html('<div id="bgstretcher-flash">&nbsp;</div>');

var header = new SWFObject('flash/stars.swf', 'flash-obj', contW, contH, '9');
header.addParam('wmode', 'transparent');

img_options['imgW'] = imgW;
img_options['imgH'] = imgH;

container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').css({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'});
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').css({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'});
} else {
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').animate({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'}, 'normal');
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').animate({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'}, 'normal');


if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'W' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
container.children('UL').width(container.width() * $(allLIs).length).height(container.height());
if ( $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) != -1 ){
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * container.width()*(-1);
container.children('UL').css({left: l+'px'});
} else {
container.children('UL').height(container.height() * $(allLIs).length).width(container.width());
if ( $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) != -1 ){
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
container.children('UL').css({top: t+'px'});


function _genHtml(body_content){
var code = '';
var cur_bgstretcher;

$(this).wrapInner('<div class="bgstretcher-page" />').wrapInner('<div class="bgstretcher-area" />');
code = '<div id="' + settings.imageContainer + '" class="bgstretcher"><ul>';
// if swf
if (settings.images.length) {
var ext = settings.images[0].split('.');
ext = ext[ext.length-1];

if (ext != 'swf') {
var ind = 0;
for(i = 0; i < settings.images.length; i++){
if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide' && settings.sequenceMode == 'back')
ind = settings.images.length-1-i;
else ind = i;
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.preloadImg) {
code += '<li><span class="image-path">' + settings.images[ind] + '</span></li>';
} else {
code += '<li class="img-loaded"><img src="' + settings.images[ind] + '" alt="" /></li>';
} else {
code += '<li class="swf-mode">' + settings.images[0] + '</li>';

code += '</ul></div>';
cur_bgstretcher = $(this).children('.bgstretcher-area');
cur_bgstretcher.css({position: 'relative'});
cur_bgstretcher.children('.bgstretcher-page').css({'position': 'relative', 'z-index': 3});


/* Start bgStretcher */

$.fn.bgStretcher.loadImg = function(obj){
if (obj.hasClass('img-loaded')) return true;
var imgsrc = $(this).html();
var imgalt = '';
var parent = $(this).parent();
var img = new Image();

$(img).load(function () {
}).error(function () {
}).attr('src', imgsrc).attr('alt', imgalt);

$(img).css({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'});
$(img).css({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'});
return true;

$.fn.bgStretcher.play = function(){
_bgStretcherPause = false;
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode, -1);


$.fn.bgStretcher._clearTimeout = function(){
if(_bgStretcherTm != null){
_bgStretcherTm = null;

$.fn.bgStretcher.pause = function(){
_bgStretcherPause = true;

$.fn.bgStretcher.sliderDestroy = function(){
var cont = $('.bgstretcher-page').html();
_bgStretcherPause = false;

/* Slideshow */
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow = function(sequence_mode, index_next){
_bgStretcherAction = true;
if ($(allLIs).length < 2) return true;
var current = $(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current');
var next;

$(current).stop(true, true);

if (index_next == -1) {
switch (sequence_mode){
case 'back':
next = current.prev();
if(!next.length){ next = $(containerStr + ' LI:last');}
case 'random':
if (r_image == $(containerStr + ' LI').length) {
$.fn.bgStretcher.buildRandom(random_line[$(containerStr + ' LI').length-1]);
r_image = 0;
next = $(containerStr + ' LI').eq(random_line[r_image]);
next = current.next();
if(!next.length){ next = $(containerStr + ' LI:first'); }
} else {
next = $(containerStr + ' LI').eq(index_next);

$(containerStr + ' LI').removeClass('bgs-current');

switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.transitionEffect){
case 'fade':
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectFade(current, next);
case 'simpleSlide':
case 'superSlide':
$.fn.bgStretcher.superSlide(current, next, sequence_mode);
default :
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectNone(current, next);

if ($($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('LI').length) {
$($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('LI').eq($(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current'))).addClass('showPage');

// callback
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.callbackfunction) {
if(typeof $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.callbackfunction == 'function')

_bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)', jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.nextSlideDelay);

/* Others effects */
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectNone = function(current, next){
_bgStretcherAction = false;
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectFade = function(current, next){
next.fadeIn( $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed );
current.fadeOut( $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
_bgStretcherAction = false;
} );

$.fn.bgStretcher.simpleSlide = function(){
var t, l;
switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection) {
case 'N':
case 'S':
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
t = 0;
$(containerStr+' UL').animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
_bgStretcherAction = false;


$.fn.bgStretcher.superSlide = function(current, next, sequence_mode){
var t, l;
switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection) {
case 'S':
t = $(containerStr).height();
l = 0;
case 'E':
t = 0;
l = $(containerStr).width();
case 'W':
t = 0;
l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
case 'NW':
t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
case 'NE':
t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = $(containerStr).width();
case 'SW':
t = $(containerStr).height();
l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
case 'SE':
t = $(containerStr).height();
l = $(containerStr).width();
t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;


if (sequence_mode == 'back') {
next.css({'z-index': 2, top: t+'px', left: l+'px'});
next.animate({left: '0px', top: '0px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
$(this).css({'z-index': 1});
_bgStretcherAction = false;
} else {
current.css('z-index', 2);
current.animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
$(this).hide().css({'z-index': 1, top: '0px', left: '0px'});
_bgStretcherAction = false;

/* Build line random images */
$.fn.bgStretcher.buildRandom = function(el_not){
var l = $(allLIs).length;
var i, j, rt;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
random_line[i] = i;
random_temp[i] = Math.random()*l;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
for (j = 0; j < (l-i-1); j++) {
if (random_temp[j] > random_temp[j+1]) {
rt = random_temp[j];
random_temp[j] = random_temp[j+1];
random_temp[j+1] = rt;
rt = random_line[j];
random_line[j] = random_line[j+1];
random_line[j+1] = rt;

if (random_line[0] == el_not) {
rt = random_line[0];
random_line[0] = random_line[l-1];
random_line[l-1] = rt;

/* Prev and Next buttons */
$.fn.bgStretcher.buttonSlide = function(button_point){
if (_bgStretcherAction || ($(allLIs).length < 2)) return false;
var mode = '';
if (button_point == 'prev') {
mode = 'back';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode == 'back') mode = 'normal';

} else if(button_point == 'next'){
mode = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode;


mode = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode;

$(allLIs).stop(true, true);
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(mode, -1);
return false;

/* Pagination */
$.fn.bgStretcher.pagination = function(){
var l = $(allLIs).length;
var output = ''; var i = 0;
if (l > 0) {
output += '<ul>';
for (i = 0; i < l; i++){
output += '<li><a href="javascript:;">'+(i+1)+'</a></li>';
output += '</ul>';

if ($(this).parent().hasClass('showPage')) return false;
$(allLIs).stop(true, true);
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode, $($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('A').index($(this)));
return false;

return false;

function changeitem (){

function prev_text(){
if(index_mid == 0){
index_mid = len - 1;

function next_text(){
if(index_mid == (len-1)){
index_mid = 0;

function random_text(){
random_index = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (len-1));
if(random_index == index_mid){
index_mid = random_index;
if(index_mid >= len){
index_mid = 0;

/* Default Settings */
$.fn.bgStretcher.defaults = {
imageContainer: 'bgstretcher',
resizeProportionally: true,
resizeAnimate: false,
images: [],
imageWidth: 1024,
imageHeight: 768,
maxWidth: 'auto',
maxHeight: 'auto',
nextSlideDelay: 3000,
slideShowSpeed: 'normal',
slideShow: true,
transitionEffect:'fade', // none, fade, simpleSlide, superSlide
slideDirection:'N', // N, S, W, E, (if superSlide - NW, NE, SW, SE)
sequenceMode: 'normal', // back, random
buttonPrev: '',
buttonNext: '',
buttonRandom: '', //自定义随机换图片按钮
pagination: '',
anchoring: 'left top', // right bottom center
anchoringImg: 'left top', // right bottom center
preloadImg: false,
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings = {};


配置选项 缺 省 值 选项说明
imageContainer bgstretcher bgStretcher will automatically build structure for the images list in a DOM tree. This parameter is ID for the images holder. Try inspecting the tree with aFireBugto get an idea how it's constructed.
resizeProportionally true Indicates if background image(s) will be resized proportionally or not.
resizeAnimate false Indicates if background image(s) will be resized with animation. (Be careful, this may slow down some PCs if your images are large.)
images empty An array containing list of images to be displayed on page's background.
imageWidth 1024 Original image's width.
imageHeight 768 Original image's height.
maxWidth auto Maximum image's width.
maxHeight auto Maximum image's height.
nextSlideDelay 3000(3 seconds) Numeric value in milliseconds. The parameter sets delay until next slide should start.
slideShowSpeed normal Numeric value in milliseconds or jQuery string value ('fast', 'normal', 'slow'). The parameter sets the speed of transition between images.
slideShow true Allows or disallows slideshow functionality.
transitionEffect fade Transition effect (use also: none, simpleSlide, superSlide).
slideDirection N Slide Diraction: N – north, S – south, W – west, E – East (if transitionEffect = superSlide use also: NW, NE, SW, SE).
sequenceMode normal Sequence mode (use also: back, random)
buttonPrev empty Previous button CSS selector
buttonNext empty Next button CSS selector
pagination empty CSS selector for pagination
anchoring 'left top' Anchoring bgStrtcher area regarding window
anchoringImg 'left top' Anchoring images regarding window
preloadImg false For Preload images use true
stratElementIndex 0 Start element index
callbackfunction null Name of callback function

方法名称 方法说明
$(objID).bgStretcher.play() Resume background slideshow
$(objID).bgStretcher.pause() Pause background slideshow
$(objID).bgStretcher.sliderDestroy() Destroy background slideshow

浏览器兼容性: MS Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 Mozilla Firefox 2, 3, 4 Opera 9+ Apple Safari Google Chrome


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