Firstly, I'm not even sure if LEFT JOIN is the best way of doing what I want to do, so will try best to explain.


I have 2 tables - one containing a list of sites, and another containing a list of roles. A user may just have one role, but they may have as many roles as there are sites.


Table 'sites'


site_id  |  site_name  | site_domain
1        |  Site A     |
2        |  Site B     |

Table 'roles'


site_id  |  user_id  | role_id
1        |  1        | 1
1        |  2        | 1
2        |  2        | 2

As in my example above, User 1 has just one role on just one site, but User 2 has two roles on two different sites.


What I'd like to do, and it's probably just a Sunday night not thinking straight kinda thing, is to get a list of sites out, along with the role for each individual user - if no role exists for that site for a user, then return NULL (or 0).


Two examples of how the output should result:


User 1


site_id | site_name | site_domain | role_id
1       | Site A    |   | 1
2       | Site B    |   | NULL

User 2


site_id | site_name | site_domain | role_id
1       | Site A    |   | 1
2       | Site B    |   | 2

The query I have at the moment is below, however, the 2nd site does not appear since the user doesn't have a role defined (ie. like above, but for User 1 the 2nd Site B will not list). I know I'm just missing something but cannot think of it tonight :o(


SELECT site_id, site_name, site_domain, role_id 
FROM `sites` 
LEFT JOIN `roles` 
ON sites.site_id=roles.site_id 
WHERE roles.user_id='1'

1 个解决方案



What you need to do is start with a table that combines all sites and users. Then join in the information in the roles table:


select s.site_id, s.site_name, s.site_domain, u.user_id, r.role_id
from (select distinct user_id from roles) u cross join
     sites s left outer join
     roles r
     on s.site_id = r.site_id and
        u.user_id = r.user_id

If you have a users table, then you can replace the first subquery with that table.


For the sites where a single user is involved, you can just put a constant in the subquery:


select s.site_id, s.site_name, s.site_domain, u.user_id, r.role_id
from (select 1 as user_id) u cross join
     sites s left outer join
     roles r
     on s.site_id = r.site_id and
        u.user_id = r.user_id

Or a where clause: where u.user_id = 1.

或者where子句:where u。user_id = 1。


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