I have a mobile html page which contains images. I want to create a button or a link which is used for a download of an image. The image should then be saved to the users mobile image gallery.


I have seen this post: How can I create download link in html?


The solution

<a href="link/to/your/download/file" download="filename">Download link</a>

is working in desktop browsers but not on mobile.


Here is a JSFiddle I made: http://jsfiddle.net/tDVqH/4/


Note: The image is created in the browser i.e., in a HTML5 canvas element. This image can be generated with canvas.toDataUrl(). The resulting image should be saved to the mobile image gallery.

注意:图像是在浏览器中创建的,即在HTML5 canvas元素中创建的。可以使用canvas.toDataUrl()生成此图像。生成的图像应保存到移动图像库中。

How can save an image to the users mobile image gallery with a click/tap? Is there a JavaScript solution without the ser round trip with a unknown header?


Edit: I also found the following questions but they do not have an answer. Save an image to the local folder from the website by clicking a link or button in mobile browser and Save an image to a mobile phone gallery from a browser


4 个解决方案



Somebody seems to have answered this already,


<a href="/path/to/image" download="ImageName" title="ImageName">
    <img src="/path/to/image" alt="ImageName">
</a> It's not yet fully supported http://caniuse.com/#feat=download, but you can use with modernizr

http://modernizr.com/download/#-a_download (under Non-core detects) to support all browsers.


Have not tested, but should work in mobiles as well.


I would add that, as a server side solution, you could also add Response Headers to your download endpoint by


  • Setting it up in apache (.htaccess) / nginx configuration
  • 在apache(.htaccess)/ nginx配置中进行设置

  • Right from the code
  • 从代码开始


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