I added an upload form so people can upload HTML files to my site. How do I allow multiple uploads at once? I added the jquery-fileupload-rails gem which lets the user select multiple files. However, only one file gets processed by the server. How do I fix this?

我添加了一个上传表单,这样人们就可以将HTML文件上传到我的站点。如何同时允许多个上传?我添加了jquery-fileupload-rails gem,它允许用户选择多个文件。但是,服务器只处理一个文件。我怎么修复这个?

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My code is below, based on this Railscast. Note I'm not dealing with a model in the form, so I use field_tags instead. I didn't add name to file_field_tag, since it's name didn't change after adding files, though that may be part of the problem.


<%= form_tag import_items_path, multipart: true, id: "upload" do %>
    <%= file_field_tag :file, multiple: true %>
    <%= submit_tag "Import" %>
<% end %> 

And here's some the JS for the fileupload jQuery:

下面是fileupload jQuery的一些JS:

jQuery ->

When I add 2 files and click upload, only 1 file gets processed. Here's the log:


Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "file"=> #< ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x... @tempfile=#< Tempfile:/var/folders/gl/...>, @original_filename="sample.html", @content_type="text/html",... name=\"file\"; filename=\"sample.html\"...}

参数:{“use utf8”= >“✓”、“文件”= > # < Http ActionDispatch::::UploadedFile:0 x……@tempfile = # < Tempfile:/ var /文件夹/ gl /…>,@original_filename = "样本。html”,@content_type = " text / html ",……name = \ \“文件”;sample . html文件名= \“\”…}

I tried ajaxifying the form, but that didn't help either. How can I get jquery-fileupload-rails in Rails 4 to work?

我试着对表单进行ajax化,但这也无济于事。如何在Rails 4中获得jquery- fileuploadrails ?

1 个解决方案



If you change <%= file_field_tag :file, multiple: true %> to <%= file_field_tag 'files[]', multiple: true %> it should work.

如果您将<%= file_field_tag:file, multiple: true %>改为<%= file_field_tag 'files[], multiple: true %>,应该可以工作。

See this related SO post.



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