I want to hide "select" itself using jquery if there is no "option" append with it.


6 个解决方案



Assuming I've understood your question correctly, you can use the :empty selector to find select elements with no children:



You may want to consider another answer if you have empty <optgroup> element children within the select (or any other non-option element children), as :empty will consider the select to not be empty (it has children, just no option children).

如果你在select(或任何其他非选项元素子元素)中有空的元素子元素,你可能想要考虑另一个答案,如:empty会认为select不是空的(它有子节点,没有选项子节点) )。

Also, as :empty looks for elements with no child nodes (not just elements), text nodes are included (but note that comment nodes are ignored). That means it would only match select elements like this:


<select></select> <!--Matches this-->
<select> </select> <!--Doesn't match this-->


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