I'm using Twitter Bootstrap and I notice that jQuery show() or fadeIn() doesn't make DOM element marked with class hidden appear because the jQuery functions only remove the display: none specification. However, the visibility is still set to hidden.

我正在使用Twitter Bootstrap,我注意到jQuery show()或fadeIn()没有让标记为隐藏类的DOM元素出现,因为jQuery函数只删除显示:none规范。但是,可见性仍然设置为隐藏。

I wonder what is the best possible way to work around this?


  1. Remove the hidden class on the element
  2. 删除元素上的隐藏类
  3. Change the visibility property
  4. 改变可见性属性
  5. Overwrite the hidden class in my own css
  6. 在我自己的css中覆盖隐藏的类

In particular, I want to know whether fixing this with jQuery or css is better and why.


6 个解决方案



The css class you're looking for is .collapse. This sets the element to display: none;


So using $('#myelement').show() will work properly.


UPDATE : Bootstrap v3.3.6 has updated .collapse back to:

更新:Bootstrap v3.3.6已经更新。

.collapse {
  display: none;


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