There was a lot of talk that IE8 was supposed to fix/remove hasLayout. Doesn't seem to have happened, though it's not usually an issue.


The problem is that when it does crop up there doesn't seem to be a way for IE8's developer toolbar to tell you hasLayout is being applied, as it used to do in IE7's developer toolbar.


Does anyone have a workaround? Am I missing something obvious?


1 个解决方案



If the developer toolbar is not telling you that it's there, have you tried using the console to explicitly query the property? That is, using console.log (or whatever the IE developer toolbar equivalent is). So: console.log(whateverObject.hasLayout)? I realize this has more to do with Javascript, but I think this could qualify as a workaround ;)

如果developer工具栏没有告诉您它在那里,您是否尝试使用控制台显式地查询属性?也就是说,使用控制台。日志(或与IE developer工具栏等价的内容)。所以:console.log(whateverObject.hasLayout)?我知道这与Javascript有很大关系,但我认为这可以作为一种解决方案;


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