I would like to change the context of the javascript executed in the webkit developer tool/firebug console to execute its code like it is running from inside an iframe on the page.

我想改变在webkit开发人员工具/ firebug控制台中执行的javascript的上下文来执行它的代码,就像它从页面上的iframe内部运行一样。

I know I could do this by opening the page in the iframe on a separate page, but I want to run code where it interacts with the parent frame.


6 个解决方案



Chrome 15 allows you to change the scope of the console. On the bottom of the console, next to the clear console button, there is a menu that says <top frame> which will give a list of available frames:

Chrome 15允许您更改控制台的范围。在控制台的底部,在清除控制台按钮旁边,有一个菜单显示 ,它将提供可用框架的列表:

Firefox has a similar feature currently in development:


You can also navigate across frames using the command line:


var frame = document.getElementById("frame1").contentWindow;


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