I created an nvd3 type graph with the rCharts package. I saved it in a standalone html and am importing it into an rmarkdown document with <iframe src = 'Figure.html'>.


I looked at the html source in Chrome and Firefox via the 'inspect element' feature and found that the following edits to the css:

我通过'inspect element'功能查看了Chrome和Firefox中的html源代码,发现以下对css的编辑:

.nvd3.nv-line .nvd3.nv-scatter .nv-groups .nv-point {
    stroke-width: 10px;
    fill-opacity: 1;
    stroke-opacity: 1;


which is the effect I want to obtain. However, if I insert the above code into the css, it is not 'picked up'. Other stylings are picked up, so the css is being read, but the above seems to be discarded. Any ideas?


The html figure is here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b187e77d795e5bf96f51


EDIT Cracked this one thanks to jbaums and a hint by sal niro. Here's the workflow to transform an rCharts nPlot with 'lineChart' into a combination of 'lineChart' and 'scatterChart'. This is the relevant part of your rmarkdown code:

编辑破解了这一个感谢jbaums和sal niro的暗示。这是将带有'lineChart'的rCharts nPlot转换为'lineChart'和'scatterChart'组合的工作流程。这是您的rmarkdown代码的相关部分:

 ```{r 'Figure'}  
# round data for rChart tooltip display
df$value <- round(df$value, 2)
n <- nPlot(value ~ Year, group = 'variable', data = df, type = 'lineChart') 
n$yAxis(axisLabel = 'Labor and capital income (% national income)')
n$chart(margin = list(left = 100)) # margin makes room for label
n$yAxis(tickFormat = "#! function(d) {return Math.round(d*100*100)/100 + '%'} !#")
n$xAxis(axisLabel = 'Year')
n$chart(color = colorPalette)
n$addParams(height = 500, width = 800)
n$setTemplate(afterScript = '<style>
  .nv-point {
    stroke-opacity: 1!important;
    stroke-width: 6px!important;
    fill-opacity: 1!important;
n$save('figures/Figure.html', standalone = TRUE)

2 个解决方案



If you specify the rules as !important, then they won't be overruled later (though support for !important is limited in some old versions of IE).


Add the following between the <style> and </style> tags of your html file:


.nv-point {
  stroke-opacity: 1 !important;
  stroke-width: 10px;
  fill-opacity: 1 !important;

Rendered in Chrome 39.0.2171.95 m:


And in Firefox 34.0.5 and IE 11:

在Firefox 34.0.5和IE 11中:


  1. 【置顶】 不显示删除回复显示所有回复显示星级回复显示得分回复
  2. 在Emacs中将语法突出显示的代码转换为HTML
  3. HTML5用户身份认证源代码:注册、登录、会话保持的解决方案
  4. 将PHP代码添加到.html文件
  5. 如何让你的前端代码更像HTML5(用语义元素构造html5)
  6. 如何在CSS中单独定位此HTML代码?
  7. QQ、MSN、淘包旺旺、Skype常设对话的html链接代码
  8. 10段实用的HTML5代码
  9. 如何将添加到ajax html编辑器的文本保存为html文档?


  1. Android实现全屏显示的方法 固定横屏或者
  2. android APK反编译入门
  3. Google I/O Android官方新体系架构之:Life
  4. iOS开发之分页控件的简单封装
  5. android数据库
  6. Android读写XML(上)-----DOM
  7. Android 2.3用户增长到10%
  8. android:scaleType、android:layout_alig
  9. 暮拾晨花,回望流年——我的2016
  10. Android应用程序进程启动过程(前篇)