I added an AJAX html editor to my ASP.NET web app and it is working fine. However, when I save the contents of the editor to my sql database it just saves the html. I need to save this as an html document. Is there a way to programatically save the contents as a document in the database, which can then be opened using my asp.net app? Also, is there a way to use the html editor to anchor sections of the text added in the editor?

我在我的ASP中添加了一个AJAX html编辑器。NET web应用,运行良好。但是,当我将编辑器的内容保存到sql数据库时,它只保存html。我需要将它保存为html文档。是否有一种方法可以编程地将内容保存为数据库中的文档,然后使用asp.net应用程序打开该文档?此外,是否有一种方法可以使用html编辑器来锚定编辑器中添加的文本部分?

Thank you for all your help,


1 个解决方案



Most html editors only insert snippets of html, so what you can do is take the contents of the editor and add into an html document, before inserting into the database.


string.Concat('<html><body>', editor_contents, '</body></html>');

You will have to modify this to suit your specific needs, but this should get you started. To anchor text you just need to add an id to the section you would like anchored.


<a href="#someID">Go to section</a>
<div id="someID">Section</div>


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