I'm having trouble with building a dynamic grid with PHP like this:


I have an array containing images in various sizes, but always either 900 or 1800 in width.


Looks like this:


$images = array('img_1_900.jpg', 'img_2_900.jpg', 'img_3_1800.jpg', 'and so on');

Is there any smart way to do this? I'm kind of new to the PHP-thing, so any hints could be nice. Here's what i got so far:


 $img_count = count($images);
 $i = 1;
 while($i <= $img_count){
    list($width) = getimagesize($images[$i]);
    if($width = 1800){


I know this does nothing, but i simply don't know where to go from here. Hope some kind soul could help me a little along. I can't just float them, because they need to stay on line even after a resize, so some kind of table/table-div has to do it. I guess.

我知道这没什么,但我根本不知道从哪里开始。希望一些善良的灵魂可以帮助我一点点。我不能只是浮动它们,因为即使在调整大小之后它们也需要保持在线,因此某种表/ table-div必须这样做。我猜。

Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案



if your image array is allway build in the same way... and not getting sorted...


$i = 0;
$html = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='10' border=1>"
foreach($image as $img){
    if($i == 0)
        $html .= "<tr>";
    if($i < 2){
        $html .= "<td><img src='{$img}' /></td>";
    if($i == 2){
      $html .= "</tr><tr>";
      $html .= "<td colspan=2><img src='{$img}' /></td>";
      $i = 0;
echo $html;


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