In PHP, how can I open a file that has special characters in the name?


The name is similar to iPad|-5542fa5501f31.log

该名称类似于iPad | -5542fa5501f31.log

Per another forum, I've tried:


$logid = str_replace(" ", "\x20", $_GET['logid']);
$logid = str_replace("|", "\x7C", $logid);

To massage the name, but that doesn't work for me either.


I've also already tried:


$dst_file = escapeshellarg($dst_file);

And of course started out with just straight:


$logid = $_GET['logid'];

The initial file was created by a PHP script on a Linux system. I'm confused why a PHP script can write a file name like that, but can't open it for reading.


Here's my current code:


$logid = str_replace(" ", "\x20", $_GET['logid']);
$logid = str_replace("|", "\x7C", $logid);
$logdate = str_replace("-", "/", $_GET['date'])."/";
$dst_file = $uploads_dir.$logdate.$logid.'.log';

// read the data from the log file
echo "<pre>\n";
if (file_exists($dst_file)) {
    $file_handle = fopen($dst_file, "r");
    while (!feof($file_handle)) {
        $line = fgets($file_handle);
        if (strlen($line) < 3) continue;
        echo $line;
} else {
    echo $dst_file." does not exist\n";
echo "</pre>\n";

3 个解决方案


The only thing I found was to rename the file then open. The problem is no PHP functions so I tried system commands. None worked. The ftp RNTO command will rename it. But it would be much better to filter out "special characters" when the file is saved.

我发现的唯一的事情是重命名文件然后打开。问题是没有PHP函数所以我尝试了系统命令。没有用。 ftp RNTO命令将重命名它。但是在保存文件时过滤掉“特殊字符”会好得多。


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