I am using the Eclipse for PHP Helios build and developing extensions and templates for Joomla with it. I really want to find a way to prevent certain warnings from showing up so that the problems pane is more intuitive. For example I get a Warning for every saying:

我将Eclipse用于PHP Helios构建和开发Joomla的扩展和模板。我真的想找到一种方法来防止某些警告出现,以便“问题”窗格更直观。例如,我得到一个警告:

Unknown tag (jdoc:include) - HTML Warning

未知标签(jdoc:include) - HTML警告

These warnings are not causing any problems I'm just a little picky I guess... and I'm tired of my site saying there is like 1,300+ Warnings when most are not actual problems.


2 个解决方案



You can do one of several different things:


  1. You can set up a filter in the Problems view. This is the least usable solution (IMHO), as it might be too imprecise to select. To do this, open the view menu in the problems view (the small triangle in the upper right corner, select Configure contents..., and setup a filter that might remove some elements.
  2. 您可以在Problems视图中设置一个过滤器。这是最没用的解决方案(IMHO),因为选择它可能太不精确。为此,在problems视图中打开视图菜单(右上角的小三角形,选择Configure contents…),并设置一个可能删除某些元素的过滤器。
  3. You can define editor validation settings. E.g. for HTML files look at the Eclipse Preferences, and there look for the page Web/HTML Files/Editor/Validation - there you can configure a lot of warnings. For PHP and CSS files I did not find such options. I have not checked, but it is possible, that you can make this setting in a project-specific way by opening the project properties, and checking there for the corresponding preference page.
  4. 您可以定义编辑器验证设置。例如,对于HTML文件,请查看Eclipse首选项,然后查看页面Web/HTML文件/编辑器/验证——在那里您可以配置许多警告。对于PHP和CSS文件,我没有找到这样的选项。我还没有检查,但是您可以通过打开项目属性,并在那里检查相应的首选项页面,以特定于项目的方式进行设置。

I believe, the second option would allow you to remove those unnecessary warnings.



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