I insert questions(which might be a few paragraphs) in a sql table using php and than i diplay them on a webpage.


but when i display the question it loses its formatting. I mean it will just show the whole question in one paragraph, even thou there were many paragraphs before.


<td width=\"700px\" bgcolor=\"#EAD57F\"><font color=\"#4A2A0B\">Question :</font><font color=\"#5E450B\">".$row2['Question']."</font></td>

$row2['Question'] --> is my question that i am getting from my sql table by running the SELECT query.

$ row2 ['问题'] - >是我通过运行SELECT查询从我的sql表中获取的问题。

So if i post something like : a s d f

所以,如果我发布类似的东西:s s d f

into my input box.


the output looks like : asdf


How should i resolve this?


Best Zeeshan

2 个解决方案


Are you storing them as plain text, or do they contain HTML tags? If they are stored as plain text you should put them in a <pre> tag or something equivalent in order to preserve the spacing. Alternatively, you could do the encoding into HTML, putting in <p> tags and such where necessary, but that is complicated and easy to get wrong.





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