So I have two models, User and Chat. Each User can have multiple chats and each chat can have multiple users. So I created a new model called UserChat -

所以我有两个模型,用户和聊天。每个用户可以有多个聊天,每个聊天可以有多个用户。所以我创建了一个名为UserChat的新模型 -

var db = require('../db');
var Chat = require('../models/chats');
var User = require('../models/users');

var UserChat = db.connection.define("user_chat", {
    id: {
        type: db.Sequelize.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
        autoIncrement: true

Chat.ChatModel.belongsToMany(User.UserModel, {through: {model: 'user_chat'}});
User.UserModel.belongsToMany(Chat.ChatModel, {through: {model: 'user_chat'}});

This creates a table in my database called user_chats and according to sequelize's documentation, I should be able to use addUser on my Chat model and addChat on my User Model,


But when I try to use Chat.ChatModel.addUser(user) I get the error "addUser is not a function"


This is how I declare the Chat Model and User Model -

这是我如何声明聊天模型和用户模型 -

var db = require('../db')
    var Chat = db.connection.define("chat", {
        chatname: {
            type: db.Sequelize.STRING,
            unique: true,
            allowNull: false
            type: db.Sequelize.INTEGER,
            unique: false,
            allowNull: false

    module.exports.ChatModel = Chat;

and then my User model (simplified) -

然后我的用户模型(简化) -

var db = require('../db')

var User = db.connection.define("user", {
    username: {
        type: db.Sequelize.STRING,
        unique: true,
        allowNull: false
    password: {
        type: db.Sequelize.STRING,
        unique: false,
        allowNull: false

module.exports.UserModel = User;

Now if I try to use the addUser function or any new function I should be given according to the documentation I get the error that the function still doesn't exist.


1 个解决方案



So my problem was I was trying to call the methods on the actual models, but the methods get added to instances of the models. So you need to find the chat/user before using the addChat or addUser on it.



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