If I'm deep in a nest of loops I'm wondering which of these is more efficient:


if (!isset($array[$key])) $array[$key] = $val;


$array[$key] = $val;

The second form is much more desirable as far as readable code goes. In reality the names are longer and the array is multidimensional. So the first form ends up looking pretty gnarly in my program.


But I'm wondering if the second form might be slower. Since the code is in one of the most frequently-executed functions in the program, I'd like to use the faster form.


Generally speaking this code will execute many times with the same value of "$key". So in most cases $array[$key] will already be set, and the isset() will return FALSE.


To clarify for those who fear that I'm treating non-identical code as if it were identical: as far as this part of the program is concerned, $val is a constant. It isn't known until run-time, but it's set earlier in the program and doesn't change here. So both forms produce the same result. And this is the most convenient place to get at $val.


9 个解决方案



For an array you actually want: array_key_exists($key, $array) instead of isset($array[$key]).

对于一个你真正想要的数组:array_key_exists($key, $array)而不是isset($array[$key])。


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